The last suugo bender
How the f*ck can you tell who voted? What's the trick?
And why is @shan-futo-le not in here schooling these kids on the heejaab?
I CHOSE to wear the hijab , although at first i was like 6 and it was part of the malcamad uniform , i grew to love it and it became a part of me , removing my hijab is like taking of my clothes , its like i'm naked.
Anywho i'd like to share a sentimental story with you about this drunk guy i met whilst waiting for a bust after a late shift,
so work started at 2pm in the afternoon and ended at 10pm and to catch the bus (comes every 15 min) whilst i'm waiting some drunk hooligan come's up to me stumbling reeking of alcohol and piss and he went on a slow slurred rant about my hijab basically saying that its okay i can take it off now, he got all fake angry saying shit like you don't deserve that shit as if a piece of fabric is killing me , in their culture less clothing = the more free you are i don't know where the correlation lies so don't bother asking ANYWHO , the irony was just then i saw a woman across the street (empty at this point , with the occasional cars) upon observing her interaction with a car that had just pulled up i found out she was a prostitute wearing nothing but lacy short black dress , high heels messy dark makeup, and hair with obvious extensions yada yada.....
and it struck me as odd that this man was trying to ''liberate'' me a working woman because of a headscarf meanwhile a woman across the street is being forced to sell her body to get by , (or buy drugs who knows , point still stands) , i guess what i'm trying to get at is these people are using muslim women as leverage for their anti islam hate , meanwhile their own women are stripping and pole dancing and prostituting for money they don't see that as oppressing , to them its "let her do as she wishes" , some NEED the money to feed their kids or stay alive others battling addiction , meanwhile i'm oppressed because my plain dark chiffon scarf i carefully styled is apparently suffocating me to death (i presume thats what it is

To conclude atheists on here just be straight up with us and tell us you want to belittle us and our choices, because if not you would fight for those women just as hard , hell more women are being sold into sex slavery more than ever , more women are selling their bodies to get by, true SOME muslim women ARE forced to wear it but that is inevitable especially in war torn countries like Afghanistan or Iraq and shitty arab countries like Saudi arabia that shit on women anyway , horrible cultures mixed with strict religious views can create sociopaths i tell ya , but when we tell you we CHOOSE to wear it its not your right to try to undermine that and suggest you know us better its a dead end trust me
Good night ,
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