Didn't you say you were from London? Why are you talking about african americans for?It is indeed a travesty. You raise some valid points, and I agree with some. In general, societies look up to elevate their cultures, and not downgrade to adopt a weaker culture than their own, and it is alarming at the rate at which Somalis in the West have normalised norms from weaker cultures including those of the working class Europeans, and those of people of African decent, most notably that of the African Americans. I must say this is not just the Somalis, but is an observable trend among other cultures. For example, in France, one could observe North African Amazighs shedding their rich culture for the sake of modernity, and assimilation.
If our forefathers would have seen what we had become, they would have died multiple, if brutal deaths at own hands.
I disagree with the notion that Africans have been in the West for centuries, and have little to show for. East Africans have greatly benefited from the struggle of peoples of African extraction, more so of the African Americans, and are standing on the shoulders of those who came before them. We must acknowledge their struggle whilst recognising our swift advancement at their expense. Imagine had Somalis been the first poor people of dark hue to have arrived in North America.
I still struggle to fathom as to reasons lads from decent homes would misbehave badly towards the best, most resilient women on the planet. What would they want in their stead? What would they have done had they been charlatans of the weaker stock. I remain in a state of befuddlement.