Lalibela was built by Egyptian Copts not Ethiopians


Are you tapped?! I said linguistically Ge’ez is not an offshoot do you understand what I’m saying. So Ge’ez is not an offshoot of any south Arabian language with stark differences between then which has already been firmly established. What you showed me is is corresponding letters which is different from derived clearly showing as many have argued and patently obvious that they are parralell innovations. get it together
Parallel innovations 😂😂

So the ge'ez people who came millenia after the Yemenis somehow invented a script that looks like an off bran version of sabean? Stop this delusion.
there is a long tradition of this type of monuments all over the country
Only in the Tigray region. The rest of Ethiopia has no monuments that are pre medieval. In fact, most of the population has literally nothing to do with Aksum. There is no real continuity between the Ge'ez speaking Aksumites and the later Amharic speaking dynasties.
Are you tapped?! I said linguistically Ge’ez is not an offshoot do you understand what I’m saying. So Ge’ez is not an offshoot of any south Arabian language with stark differences between then which has already been firmly established. What you showed me is is corresponding letters which is different from derived clearly showing as many have argued and patently obvious that they are parralell innovations. get it together
Ethio-Semitic came from Arabia, and it accompanied people who genetically were southern Arabians and came with architectural characteristics to South Arabians of that time. Ethiopian Semitic is an independent sub-branch that is an offshoot of Central Semitic-Ethiopian Semitic variation. Ethiopian Semitic speakers adopted script from the Southern Arabians however.

It seems that prior to coming from Yemen, those pre-Ethiopian Semitic peoples lived somewhere north in Southern Arabia.


The picture is very different to what people believe and it seems that the roots of Old South Arabian like Sabaean finds roots in Central Arabia, kind of - reaffirms how the Arab relations was true. Because it shows linguistically they came from the broader Central Semitic which finds itself more centrally in Arabia. While it could be that West Semitic off-shoots like Modern South Arabians and Ethiopian Semitic went to South Arabia earlier. I also believe that they probably inhbaited the mountanous regions because that would serve as a general linguistic isolation for the pre Ethiopian Semitic types to retain their languages. So I doubt that they were living admist Sabaean peoples. But Sabaean types had strong influence on them as you see with architecture, script, even aspects related to titles and such that archeologists have interpeted.


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