why dont you go back where you from?

why dont you go back where you from?
Somalia Somali baa leh, So go back to where the F u came from, u mule.
And big is somali since you are ignorant and dont even know how big was or is Somali , Can you tell me the size of old somali without wiki or google? NO , the problem it was not me who migrated from the north and west to the south, it was mainly people from eastern Ethiopian who came very close to the Swahilis land due to unwanted big land from naive people who once ruled and govern them self but invited you and welcome you due to religion purpose.
Thank you God you finally stopped in Chismaiyu other wise you would claim Lamu and Mombassa is Somlalia territory too, and you would ask the native local of those town to go back because you moved IN?
My Allah cure the ignorant that created a mess in our once peacefully Somalia Land because of they minimal knowledge of their own history.
By the way you should warship the Portuguese that helped you to extend your map because they hated the Muslims.
i don't think any tribe is fully 100%"pure". we are all a mix of something. but the somali tribe as it is now is fairly ancient (there was probably an ancient extinct tribe that mixed a very very very long time ago). the bantu tribe is just as ancient but as far as i know they didn't originate in eastern africa (i could be wrong). either way i was specifically talking about the ethnic group called "somali". if ethiopia was named after the dominant tribe in that region it would be the same situation. either way, the bantu somalis, and the many other minority tribes and mixed somalis all belong to somalia and deserve equal rights to one another.Ok thanks for your answer my sis.
I first take you response as a knowledge base and facts but not as argument to waste my time and I really thanks you for your replies.
But even though I am still confused how one can claim pure while another is non or half after all this time? what evidence we have to back this claim?
Can you explain this part ??By the way you should warship the Portuguese that helped you to extend your map because they hated the Muslims.
Sorry my eyes are tired now but please show us where did it says Somalia? Berbera yes Azania yes Ethiopia yes but I hardly see the word Somalia, and why do you accuse me of hating Somali please re read my post again and show me where did I stated I hate my country? .LOL, local? my friend you are from Ayrabia or Iran, your people are not native, never have been never will be. Theirs nothing to take about.
If you don't like Somalia, simple, go back to where you came from.
To Sweeten the deal, here's a map from 1st Century AD ( 500 years before the Prophet)
If it wasnt for Portuguese the name Zanguabar would have been the same name and Muslims Eastern African Arabs would have been there just like there are now in Kenya but the Europeans main object is to destroy Islam in East Africa and that slave trade business was closed by Muslims then they were upset by that new rules so they decide to destroy it and wipe the name Swahili from East Africa.Can you explain this part ??
Because it doesn't make sense at all.
Sorry my eyes are tired now but please show us where did it says Somalia? Berbera yes Azania yes Ethiopia yes but I hardly see the word Somalia, and why do you accuse me of hating Somali please re read my post again and show me where did I stated I hate my country? .
surely you are not a guy that I will lean anything factual as all your replies are full of lies and claims that cannot be taken serious.
You dont know how old Arabs started the slave trade business do you? let me tell you 200BC.
200BC until now and I am still a visitor? and I should go back? If my Arabs ancestors or Bantus knew that bantus from the west will rise and ask their masters descendant to move back they would have been a mass genocide to your people as black was minority 200BC in Swahili Lands that include Mogadishu.
i honestly don't know where you learned your history but none of what your saying makes any sense. it all sounds like conspiracy theories. have you learnt any somali or east african history before?Sorry Portuguese or any Europeans was considering Somalis as Negros or black( nomads ) and the Swahilis are Arabs or Muslims ( the Moors) even though many somalian converted after the rise of Arabs in east Africa but still the light skin Africa are the main cause to close slave business.
Ok, when did Somalis convert to Islam according to you?Sorry Portuguese or any Europeans was considering Somalis as Negros or black( nomads ) and the Swahilis are Arabs or Muslims ( the Moors) even though many somalian converted after the rise of Arabs in east Africa but still the light skin Africa are the main cause to close slave business.
Look here u mix breed mongrel. Somalia had many names in ancient time and the middle ages, the Greeks called it Azania, the Arabs called it Bilad al Barbar. The Name "Somalia" was first recorded in the 13th century, after a fight with the Ethiopian emperor at the time.
Now, Yes u are a visitor, your people came to Africa to kill and enslave innocent people, Whilst you took their land. Arabs and Persians have been raiding and exporting innocent Africans, today their mix breed decedents are trying to act like their part of Africa.
Your people were a cancer to Africa and especially East Africa, the sooner you go back to Ayrabia or were ever you came from , the better.
and Learn Some English.
The religion of our prophet Mohamed (SAW) old is 1400 years + and Arabs where there before Islam, now after the northern sahaabas first visited Zaila ( northern Somalia) many Somalian converted and were asked to do so to all their afro brothers that include Sudan and Ethiopia ( Berberas) its called Dawah, while Arabs include the Negros Sahaba from Saudia Arabia decide to move to south ( Swahilis ) and all over Africa , some decide to stay some moved on. The one that went to south did not find any inhabitants there yet ( or very few people is south Somali or mini cities with lower population compare to the north, I am not making this up but look how old is Mogadishu ? its 1350 years old , so finally they have been tough the beautiful of our religion. We passed this message everywhere and we stopped the slave business but the white man wasn't happy so they though the Arabs were the biggest thread since selling human was ban in my religion. please prove me I am wrong rather then claiming you magically converted without any Dawah. Do you know the religion of Somali before Islam?Ok, when did Somalis convert to Islam according to you?
What year?
How did they convert?
Go back to ayrabia u cancerI hardly see you are English is perfect, but anyway you have some personal attacks that wont help this conversation, I am sure your wiki that fed you lies wont fed others.
The name somali came 15 or 16 centenary, Arabs or any others that came there was just a shore between them and who could stopped them to cross that shore?. I see the jeousy you have to Arabs that once had controlled in easte Africa from easy bantus.
If you were really more wise you would have knows that Arabs own the Swahili language / culture/ buildings since the name means Coasters ( Sahil is Arabic ) and the lingo is close to Arabic too, so how did they had all this while they were visitors. Anyone with an ounce of brain would agree that they were the natives on they close shore in No Mans Land. AKA Zanzibar...
What on earth make you think that there are pure Arabs in east Africa? only morons who play warcraft games like you claim that.
didnt I said you are ignorant who dont even know his own history? or do I have to mark all your bulshit?
Now go back to you F cage.
Yes I study history in Egypt and I am a history lover especially in east Africa.i honestly don't know where you learned your history but none of what your saying makes any sense. it all sounds like conspiracy theories. have you learnt any Somali or east African history before?
Please move back up north since you are the one cancer that our generation witnessed due to your love for your tribe. Qabiil is you religion.Go back to ayrabia u cancer
your english is fineYes I study history in Egypt and I am a history lover especially in east Africa.
problem history should all taken equal we not suppose to accept some and deny some its not a bunch of tomatoes that you choose the red and throw the green ones, lol
I recommend every Somalian to re read the history of east African Arab that started 200BC for slave trade before you ask any light skin to move back near Yemen or Oman, lol.
Can you please show me where I am not making sense so at least I could be more clear.
And sorry for my English.
your english is fineyou said that somalis weren't the original inhabitants of present day somalia, and the we originally came from ethiopia. there is no documented proof of that. also the arabs that came into somalia didn't concur and run somalia, there was peaceful trade, and some of the traders settled, but nobody ever came with the intention to concur east africa. even the Islamization of somalis was done peacefully. also how can arab settlers get to present day somalia before somalis?
ah that makes bit of sense. about the egyption queen, she came to trade in present day somalia but it is believed to be in the northern part(punt?). and I'm sure somalis existed in the southern part, but "mogadishu" didn't exist. doesn't mean they didn't live there. i agree that arabs were in zanzibar and the whole slave trade market started there. also about the arabs, don't take this thread seriously, people write things with the intention to hurt your feelings, intelligent conversions are rare here. i personally don't consider them to be not of that land. they've been there long enough to speak the language and have the culture, and have contributed to somali history as well.No sis I would never say Somali are not the inhabitants I simply said the south ( mogadishu) wasnt existed before islam but I even saw evidence that the Egyptian Pharos were in Somalia 4000BC Queen Hatchib Suut, I just dis agree that Arabs came there to concur the south they stared from Zanzibar and all to the south and north.
The name Zanzibar ( ZingiBar) its self explain why we were there for ( slave trade ) Zing UL Bahr. Arabs African created Swahili language, culture and tough religion everywhere in east coast of Africa and the surround ,Arabs have a very long history there and should not consider as a visitor or asked to go back. WE are not Arabs We are the descended of Arabs that should be consider the natives of the Zing Land. sad to see my own country asking me to go back after thousand of years even though I have African DNA. and nor I am pure Arab.