Landers make Ilhan omar go viral again

Landers brought that upon themselves when the teamed up with Islamophobes to bring Somalis down be fair!!Why do you equate Somalia to piracy and negative stuff do you not know the hardships we went through sis??? “What has Somalia done for Somaliand” what do you want the rest of us to do lol we don’t control the state our people suffer day in and day out there’s nothing we can do :farmajoyaab:
I'm just angry with the constant hate from these people. I even saw them say "he's a isaaq lander" to a criminal thst could have been any tribe from East Africa. Most of the time when a lander puts on a video about Sonaliland you will see hoardes say "this is somalia" blah blah completely disrespecting our integrity and country. I had enough.
You hate a lot of people even random southern communities like Banadiri and Madowweyne who didn't do shit to you. Don't try and lie the cuqdad was planted in you everything is hebel people did this, reer hebel hate us, etc
Believe what you want to believe but I have no hate for Somalis unless your trying to ruin our rep or say "this is somalia" than that's a wrap.


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
I'm just angry with the constant hate from these people. I even saw them say "he's a isaaq lander" to a criminal thst could have been any tribe from East Africa. Most of the time when a lander puts on a video about Sonaliland you will see hoardes say "this is somalia" blah blah completely disrespecting our integrity and country. I had enough.
Those are qabilist people there’s clans who don’t like isaaq.

and for the second one: people prefer unity and despise succession that’s why
I’ve already spoken about the heinous stuff people have said about Somalia Landers brought it upon themselves.I’ve seen them say we aren’t Muslim and it’s hurtful.
We are both hurt by what we say amongst one another and it got to stop for Allah sake. We may have our major differences but this racism and hatred needs to end.
I wouldn't be able to have a full list hit a quick Google search dropped a few relevant quotes

In this quote the Marexan, Gurgura and Hawiye are mentioned

Thanks bro, I'll start reading it
The only thing special here is your needs.
This Is Cool GIF by MOODMAN


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
They should respect our nation we don't even want ssc anymore, they are free. Somaliland is here to stay.
You see southerner fobs saying Happy May 18th and always supporting SL I do find that odd because it’s one sided and extremely embarrassing since the other side dgaf :faysalwtf:
Those are qabilist people there’s clans who don’t like isaaq.

and for the second one: people prefer unity and despise succession that’s why
Nah it's not even equal the vast majority of the non secessionist camps give very coherent arguments and do not attack their opponents unless warranted.

They don't have arguments and will insult, deflect, fabricate shit and then cry victim and say it's your fault. There is no moral equivalency between people who are happy with the siege of Las Canood and even call for ethnic cleansing with those who merely prefer unity.
You see southerner fobs saying Happy May 18th and always supporting SL I do find that odd because it’s one sided and extremely embarrassing since the other side dgaf :faysalwtf:
Southerners are chill they don't care all that much that's what people who arrive in Xamar from Hargeisa realise. All the cuqdad and lies they were brought up on was fairytales and they are Somalis welcome in their capital


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Southerners are chill they don't care all that much that's what people who arrive in Xamar from Hargeisa realise. All the cuqdad and lies they were brought up on was fairytales and they are Somalis welcome in their capital
Xamar is a wonderful place I’m proud of my people and their resilience no matter if the Xabesh invade us or AS try and bomb us we always manage to move forward Alx 🙏🏽❤️❤️


A racist posted a video of landers waving their flag for indepence and so many southerners kept quote tweeting "deport them" attaching the name somaliland and other vile stuff for ajanabis to see. I couldn't give a toss about Ilhan omar or anything Somali related anymore. In fact I just need Somaliland name to change so we aren't attached completely. they can lie in their bed.
Because we r literally giving the same energy you guys gave to us, blame it on yourselves

