Largest single eviction of illegal squaters expected soon in Muqdisho

All these lands mentioned by the elder will return to the goofley if government doesn’t use them. Private investors can kick rocks. Been beenta way dhamaatay.



Apparently an agreement has been reached and HSM promised the sacad squarters some land. The location is unknown yet Kaaraan has been rumored:drakelaugh: Xawaadle better start making some noise map in OP is accurate

Meanwhile well known mooryaan Cismaan Beenoos who came to Muqdisho in 91 from Cadaado and has been taxing the cadcads since then is being removed from the famous 'bacadlaha' shopping complex built by afweyne, he also held the opposite unlaaye building and large open space used as flee market cidi taagtay aa taqaano

No fuss being made here.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
If the president is selling public land to private businesses for money, he must be held accountable.
This thread was started almost 6 months ago and now we are resorting to rumors after being told it would be done by force half a year ago :mjlol:
If the president is selling public land to private businesses for money, he must be held accountable.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with evicting squatters and selling government land as long as it is for the public good but the entire process is so murky.
1. There’s been no public auction for the land so we have no idea how much it goes for. It’s very likely these businessmen are getting prime land for a much cheaper price than what they would get on the market.
2. We have no idea where the money is going. In a country with low trust and high corruption, a competent administration would publish a report clearly showing where every penny from the sale would be allocated. We will never get this nor will we be told where the money is going but we’ll be forced to accept this “public good” narrative which is bogus.
3. In certain cases previous agreements with the original owners of nationalized land about what to do in the event of re-privatization haven’t been respected.

When you take all these factors into account, it’s very unlikely that these lands are being sold for anything useful or beneficial to the federal government. The money will never be seen again and the city will continue to have worsening inequality. I’d much rather leave the squatters be until there’s a competent administration willing to ensure the fairness and transparency of the process.


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Xawaadle will be most affected as most of their population will be effectively removed from Wadajir district followed by Sacad and RX who also live in the shanty town known as Siliga Mareykanka. Sacad are moreso located across the Seybiano junction which is Hodan district.

@Macawisley lol I knew this would come. You'll only be left with the looted isaaq & darood houses around jiro miskiin and you'll be evicted from there as well :mjlol:

The squatters were all evicted this morning and demolition of the tin houses has begun according to the police spokesperson.

Habarta is having a major meltdown on social media rn :kanyehmm:


Lmao any idea where they heading to settle now?
Instead of living rent free in a jingad mansion downtown they will have to rent further out. Fairly cheap and easy to find.

Weren't they promising to declare war on the gov if it dared to evict them. Did they chicken out? :fantasia2:
The local police who evicted them are their own people.

The Banaadir police chief is HG but somehow they are directing their anger towards Taliye Sulub lol
We need 2 capitals for better separation of powers
I disagree with a multiple capitol approach. Only draws more division. Somalis are the most homogenous people. Why do we need seperate capitols? To appease pathetic clans. Are we that stupid to reduce or self to a level like south africa where they needed it because of ethnic and racial differences. No no no. We need 1 capitol. A planned capitol. Most of the time, planned capitols end up as unorganic and empty. But for a country like somalia i think it will be the right approach. In fact, most modern capitols have either been planned or heavily modified to fit their status and needs for

