Largest single eviction of illegal squaters expected soon in Muqdisho


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I disagree with a multiple capitol approach. Only draws more division. Somalis are the most homogenous people. Why do we need seperate capitols? To appease pathetic clans. Are we that stupid to reduce or self to a level like south africa where they needed it because of ethnic and racial differences. No no no. We need 1 capitol. A planned capitol. Most of the time, planned capitols end up as unorganic and empty. But for a country like somalia i think it will be the right approach. In fact, most modern capitols have either been planned or heavily modified to fit their status and needs for
Well we have to accept a 2 or 3 capital approach cause somalid are too clanist and we need a better separation of powers in the nation if we intend to move forward.

Somali Saayid

Oct 21, 1969
Well we have to accept a 2 or 3 capital approach cause somalid are too clanist and we need a better separation of powers in the nation if we intend to move forward.
That will only lead to further division of power. If you put the presidential/executive branch in xamar and the parliament in Baidoa with the PM/Speaker or somewhere else when those two branches clash they will carve out swathes of territory and become recognized government and eventually devolve into warlords.
Well we have to accept a 2 or 3 capital approach cause somalid are too clanist and we need a better separation of powers in the nation if we intend to move forward.
Wrong. Are you somali and where are you from then.
Why does somalia need a seperation of power. How shameful. How can a country like ethiopia have centealized power with 80 groups while somalia needs to be appeased with shit you say out of your garbage mouth. Your persistent with multiple capitols piss me off. Shamful even


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Wrong. Are you somali and where are you from then.
Why does somalia need a seperation of power. How shameful. How can a country like ethiopia have centealized power with 80 groups while somalia needs to be appeased with shit you say out of your garbage mouth. Your persistent with multiple capitols piss me off. Shamful even
Bro its the objective truth that somalis are a heavily divided people so we got to accept that and work on it.
That will only lead to further division of power. If you put the presidential/executive branch in xamar and the parliament in Baidoa with the PM/Speaker or somewhere else when those two branches clash they will carve out swathes of territory and become recognized government and eventually devolve into warlords.
No only 2 cities one in Xamar and the other in thd north that is best for us.

Somali Saayid

Oct 21, 1969
No only 2 cities one in Xamar and the other in thd north that is best for us
By North do you mean SL or somewhere else like SSC/PL. I'd be all for rewarding reer ssc for being staunch unionists even thought they are always a stones throw away from SL. They deserved second capital more than anyone else and I think they wouldn't abuse that power much unlike other peoples.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
By North do you mean SL or somewhere else like SSC/PL. I'd be all for rewarding reer ssc for being staunch unionists even thought they are always a stones throw away from SL. They deserved second capital more than anyone else and I think they wouldn't abuse that power much unlike other peoples.
ceerigaabo is best it has best potential to be multi clan city.
Bro its the objective truth that somalis are a heavily divided people so we got to accept that and work on it.

No only 2 cities one in Xamar and the other in thd north that is best for us.
Aseer, listen. Multiple capitol cities is a wrong move. Not only does it complicate the government but it also provides basis for further division.

Capitol should be created from scratch. No qabil no nothing. Thats your issue. Qabil is etched into your mind, and by supporting a dual or triple capitol set-up. You are essentially conforming to qabil instead of solving it i mean qabyaalad actually.
Verified source

Dabdamiska was bought by private individuals under hormuud name. Hassan sheikh made $16 million. Qeybdiid and libaan shuluq both got given $4 mill to push it through. Could be murusades or Duduble buying the land. Most likely the former. The accounts were put under the hormuud name. We will know for sure as time goes by.


Verified source

Dabdamiska was bought by private individuals under hormuud name. Hassan sheikh made $16 million. Qeybdiid and libaan shuluq both got given $4 mill to push it through. Could be murusades or Duduble buying the land. Most likely the former. The accounts were put under the hormuud name. We will know for sure as time goes by.
Are they building new fire fighter station? Or is it becoming private development for business and housing .
Are they building new fire fighter station? Or is it becoming private development for business and housing .
Not sure walaal. That’s all the information I have right now. Hormuud is private but they happen to do many jobs the government is supposed to be doing. They have their own fire fighters looking after Banaadir whenever there is fire.

Verified source

Dabdamiska was bought by private individuals under hormuud name. Hassan sheikh made $16 million. Qeybdiid and libaan shuluq both got given $4 mill to push it through. Could be murusades or Duduble buying the land. Most likely the former. The accounts were put under the hormuud name. We will know for sure as time goes by.
Akhas. Would’ve preferred the squatters remained.

Looks like they are clearing the entire area where Dahab Tower is being built, maybe they are serious about creating a new Central Business District for the city. Still think FGS’s first focus should have been the restoration of the Waterfront if they really want to change Mogadishu’s global image.


Evictions of squatters on public land continues

Last night hundreds of families were removed from an area in Waaberi near the airport.

Federal mp in anticipation of police removal of murusade squatters in Howlwadaag sends threats lol
Evictions of squatters on public land continues

Last night hundreds of families were removed from an area in Waaberi near the airport.

Federal mp in anticipation of police removal of murusade squatters in Howlwadaag sends threats lol
Murusade squatter? You are robbing an MCH (hospital) meant to treat the vulnerable. Ceeb badana:deadmanny:


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Adunyada waxaa ku daran markaad qof dulmi wada ku taageeyrtid qabiil.:ayaanswag:

A couple years ago, squatters living on public, government owned lands, pretty close to Madaxtooyada SL were peacefully relocated to a new neighborhood the SL government built for them on the outskirts of Hargeysa. I think the xafad was called Police Lineka, it was a neighborhood mostly composed of government workers and soldiers. On top of the new homes they were given, every family received $5000 dollars.

Dad danyar ah hadaad barakineysaan, sidaasaa loogu garbaxaya oo loo wanaajiya.

HSM and all the businessmen who are okay with evicting these poor people with for their own business endeavors, nacalaad baa ku taal.
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