LasCanood Celebrates 18 May by flying Somalia's Flag


i do it anyway i like
Braddar today’s a day of celebration forget our haters also I explain that countless of times to these folks they don’t listen nor do they cares
nigga am not a hater and I could care less about SL, this where your delusional crap took you claiming SOOL I thought you guys were already delusional but now ohh god it's just sad but again you guys follow your qabil blindly soo am not surprised
Why Have they Not Changed The Name Yet Fools Begets Fools I Guess This Is Not How To Secede


mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Braddar today’s a day of celebration forget our haters also I explain that countless of times to these folks they don’t listen nor do they cares
Lol the people on sspot wers chill. But twitter was crazy. Espacially the mx were talking the most shit.
So i had to turn in to a sociopath :trumpsmirk:

nigga am not a hater and I could care less about SL, this where your delusional crap took you claiming SOOL I thought you guys were already delusional but now ohh god it's just sad but again you guys follow your qabil blindly soo am not surprised

NOOOOO!! inaabti come back don't go!

Somaliland is your country and homeland

TAIWANESE do you guys really wanna poke CHINA ain't a good plan

The CCP are a papir-tiger, the americans will take them down before they become the biggest economy in the world, the american will even use the atomic bomb again to avoid that.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
The CCP are a papir-tiger, the americans will take them down before they become the biggest economy in the world, the american will even use the atomic bomb again to avoid that.
My brother i dissagree. America cant take out china they out of control. They have to accept the concequences


Then whats wrong with this nigga @codewebsduh every time he talks about how isaaqs want to kill all warsengli and dhulos :mjlaugh: . Meanwhile more mjs have killed warsens in the last 20 years then isaaqs have. Even 2 months ago deni send his sqaud to dhahar . But he is quiet about that
What f man
You are creating new history
SNM. Killed more Warsangli,and Dhulbahante then maxamed s Bare did Isaaq and Isaaq always cries and diggs older graveyard people who Died 100 years show massacre.
Did hear xasuuqii Damale xagare ,Yuube , xudun, Kalshaale and Carogaabo.
SNM when they go MSB weapons they straight attacked Harti and Samaroon, killed
So man educate yourself, people knows their people who died.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
What f man
You are creating new history
SNM. Killed more Warsangli,and Dhulbahante then maxamed s Bare did Isaaq and Isaaq always cries and diggs older graveyard people who Died 100 years show massacre.
Did hear xasuuqii Damale xagare ,Yuube , xudun, Kalshaale and Carogaabo.
SNM when they go MSB weapons they straight attacked Harti and Samaroon, killed
So man educate yourself, people knows their people who died.
Upti i think you didn read it right. I said last 20 years.
My brother i dissagree. America cant take out china they out of control. They have to accept the concequences

The american will rather destroy the world, as we know it, rather then let the chinese become more powerful.

The american mentality is build that way, they have disrupted and corrupted other countries for less then that.

