LasCanood Celebrates 18 May by flying Somalia's Flag


SSC people should fight to be member state
Same as Isaaq fighting for Somalia land
And Mogadishu fighting for aqalka sare membership.
those niggas have atomic bomb too :wtf:

How many wars have the chinese fought compared to the americans? - the american society is built on conquest and domination.

The americans are cynical and evil, they will use their bombs first.

This is back in 2016 - the situations has only got much more tense since then.

Look at the american military build-up close to China. Howe many bases do the chinese have next to America?
What f man
You are creating new history
SNM. Killed more Warsangli,and Dhulbahante then maxamed s Bare did Isaaq and Isaaq always cries and diggs older graveyard people who Died 100 years show massacre.
Did hear xasuuqii Damale xagare ,Yuube , xudun, Kalshaale and Carogaabo.
SNM when they go MSB weapons they straight attacked Harti and Samaroon, killed
So man educate yourself, people knows their people who died.
SNM didn’t do shit to us nor were they ever capable of doing anything major lmao the Kalshaale incident happened nearly 20 years after SNM became Somaliland. The most that ever occurred was tit for tat killings which we resolved in the Burco conference.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
SNM didn’t do shit to us nor were they ever capable of doing anything major lmao the Kalshaale incident happened nearly 20 years after SNM became Somaliland. The most that ever occurred was tit for tat killings which we resolved in the Burco conference.
Thats what i said. Mjs have killed more dhulos then isaaqs have. Espacially in talex. But somehow every body lets that slide. And they isaaqs attack every body while thats not true
Thats what i said. Mjs have killed more dhulos then isaaqs have. Espacially in talex. But somehow every body lets that slide. And they isaaqs attack every body while thats not true
Its just typical isku dir tactics. Niggas want to claim so and so got genocided by another clan when we’re all using the same technicals and old assault rifles :farmajoyaab:

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Its just typical isku dir tactics. Niggas want to claim so and so got genocided by another clan when we’re all using the same technicals and old assault rifles :farmajoyaab:
I think its funny that all somalis in somaliweyne have the same weaponry. Everybody has the cheap teknikos with a smg. And the cheap aka47 :mjlaugh:

