Learning to love myself as a Black woman

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Yo why the hell did this make me laugh so hard bhahahaha!


Suldaanka Gobyare
Great video. Bless the Black women of Somaliland.
Black Star representing the Black people and #Blackpower
Black Star like #Ghana
Who would take oreo as a compliment? And who would ever seek out white friends as a child? This girl clearly had issues growing up and I think she's swung the pendulum too far back in the opposite direction to compensate.
Yes, if you don't have a drop of slave blood in your system then you're not black. We are taking the credit from black people. I think it's very selfish of these SJW to take credit for the hard work that the black people put into their history.
Barack Obama does not have one drop of slave blood in him yet he is considered the first black president.how would you counter that?
Barack Obama does not have one drop of slave blood in him yet he is considered the first black president.how would you counter that?
The black community would accept literally anyone as fucking black because the white community won't accept them. The one drop rule and such you know.

Helps that Barack Obama actually looks AA too.
Akhas. So embarrassing; we have the Somalis claiming to be Arabs, Asians and now we have this who claims to be black. Black meaning bantu. Since when the heck did Somalis loose their identity. And dont tell me those who grew up in the West are like this because I grew up in the West and I have never thought myself as anything else but Somali.

BTW an insecure black american who clearly cares about what Somalis thinks of them posted this on a BA forum.
Akhas. So embarrassing; we have the Somalis claiming to be Arabs, Asians and now we have this who claims to be black. Black meaning bantu. Since when the heck did Somalis loose their identity. And dont tell me those who grew up in the West are like this because I grew up in the West and I have never thought myself as anything else but Somali.

BTW an insecure black american who clearly cares about what Somalis thinks of them posted this on a BA forum.
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