Lets celebrate Somali love/parents for a change

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There is nothing to celebrate about Somali parents as a whole, as most from my personal experience are horrible. Maybe practice safe sex and stop acting like "Allah" will help you with your 6+ kids and respect the culture and laws of the western countries you live in.

Let's celebrate good parents no matter what color they are.
There is nothing to celebrate about Somali parents as a whole, as most from my personal experience are horrible. Maybe practice safe sex and stop acting like "Allah" will help you with your 6+ kids and respect the culture and laws of the western countries you live in.

Let's celebrate good parents no matter what color they are.

It's interesting how you posted a positive comment in that interracial thread but post a negative comment when the thread is about a happy Somali Muslim couple.

Just piss off you self-hating hypocrite!
It's interesting how you posted a positive comment in that interracial thread but post a negative comment when the thread is about a happy Somali Muslim couple.

Just piss off you self-hating hypocrite!
Just because one comment was positive I have to be a political correct tool? Do you know that Somalis have the lowest household income in the United States of 90 ethnicities?

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income
Government sources are in the references of the wikipedia page.

On self hating, so just because I stated a subjective claim from my personal experiences, I'm self hating? So you rather play the victim card and hide the truth from your kind? How did that work out for the Black Americans? So you want to go on the route of victim-hood.
Well you can start a thread and do that. This one is for somali parents.

Mashallah to the video
I didn't mean to be so negative, I just know that we have the lowest income of 90 other ethnicities in the U.S and we too much to do before we start celebrating.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Just because one comment was positive I have to be a political correct tool? Do you know that Somalis have the lowest household income in the United States of 90 ethnicities?

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income
Government sources are in the references of the wikipedia page.

On self hating, so just because I stated a subjective claim from my personal experiences, I'm self hating? So you rather play the victim card and hide the truth from your kind? How did that work out for the Black Americans? So you want to go on the route of victim-hood.

Yes youre a self hater dissing somalis and generalizing just cause of your shitty experiences and you cant compare somalis to other ethnicities nacas kan bal eg

did those ethnicities in that study come from a war ridden country with no functioning goverment?
Just because one comment was positive I have to be a political correct tool? Do you know that Somalis have the lowest household income in the United States of 90 ethnicities?

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income
Government sources are in the references of the wikipedia page.

On self hating, so just because I stated a subjective claim from my personal experiences, I'm self hating? So you rather play the victim card and hide the truth from your kind? How did that work out for the Black Americans? So you want to go on the route of victim-hood.

Start your own thread about your self-hating calaacal AJ bot.

This is a positive thread if you are not here to appreciate then go away.

Yes youre a self hater dissing somalis and generalizing just cause of your shitty experiences and you cant compare somalis to other ethnicities nacas kan bal eg

did those ethnicities in that study come from a war ridden country with no functioning goverment?
It's just not my experiences, we have the lowest income per household and even the Haitians make more money at $42,942 who come from an island that had many disasters.

So, just because Somalis came from a country torn from war, they should come to the west and start reproducing like they have inferior brains, like animals? They shouldn't be responsible for making better life choices? My parents were affected by the war and they came to the U.S in 1992 and made good life choices. Stop playing the victim saxib.
Start your own thread about your self-hating calaacal AJ bot.

This is a positive thread if you are not here to appreciate then go away.
AJ has nothing to do with me, so take his dick out of your mouth, I know it's hard for some of you. I might start my own thread.
AJ has nothing to do with me, so take his dick out of your mouth, I know it's hard for some of you. I might start my own thread.

Sure, didn't he call you here like a sheep? If his xeyraan cirbad is filling any orifices, it would be yours. Keep wailing like a sheep. Now kindly f*ck off xooloyahow!
Sure, didn't he call you here like a sheep? If his xeyraan cirbad is filling any orifices, it would be yours. Keep wailing like a sheep. Now kindly f*ck off xooloyahow!
I found this site myself awhile ago and had a different account, but made an Atheist account so I can start posting and responding to Atheist/Islam related threads without getting ban and yes he was my contact.
I didn't mean to be so negative, I just know that we have the lowest income of 90 other ethnicities in the U.S and we too much to do before we start celebrating.
Take your self hating shit to another thread, you don't need to hijack this one. Don't worry you'll have a lot of people wanting to debate you elsewhere.
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