Letter To Islamists

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So if someone commits thievery should we not cut off his hand?

No lashes for the adulteress?
7th century Arabs rode camels, so the prophet rode camels.

7th century Arabs defecated outside, so the prophet defecated outside.

7th century Arabs could not read, so the prophet could not read.

7th century Arabs married 6 year old girls, so the prophet married a six year old girl.

7th century Arabs hit their wives, so the prophet hit Aisha (according to Sahih Muslim)

7th century Arabs kept slaves, so the prophet kept slaves.

When you defecate outside, ride camels, become illiterate, marry six year olds, hit your wife, and keep slaves, then get back to us you fucking murtad.


Swords are a long knife and a gun is simply the advanced version of bow and arrow. You are comparing religious tenets with tools, a false analogy.

God would've banned slavery if it were necessary but He didn't

Either accept the Quran as a time immemorial book that is perfect. Or stop claiming Islam

So why you allow khat, cigarettes to be sold and smoked freely? just because it wasn't mentioned back then because it didn't exist, it means it's ok!!! Listen when u impede on someone freedom, religion is over. There is no testing in this world!!! you will need to explain how u can reconcile that and if u cant you need to ask yourself are you really following the religion or have 'ulterior motives'?


7th century Arabs rode camels, so the prophet rode camels.

7th century Arabs defecated outside, so the prophet defecated outside.

7th century Arabs could not read, so the prophet could not read.

7th century Arabs married 6 year old girls, so the prophet married a six year old girl.

7th century Arabs hit their wives, so the prophet hit Aisha (according to Sahih Muslim)

7th century Arabs kept slaves, so the prophet kept slaves.

When you defecate outside, ride camels, become illiterate, marry six year olds, hit your wife, and keep slaves, then get back to us you fucking murtad.

There is no way he can enter government anymore, because even the caliphate was separate amir and imams stayed home!!! there is no place for him in govt anymore, he will need to demonstrate how to build army, govt, roads, schools, hospitals, economy, and all social matters and he simply won't be able to demonstrate that through islam because islam focuses on morality.

This is going to be interesting because we are fighting him now on morality, it will be interesting to see where this goes!!! But he still has failed to address free will, if there is no evil in the world and you ban it, how can I be tested to do good? he seems to be running away from this!!!!


7th century Arabs rode camels, so the prophet rode camels.

7th century Arabs defecated outside, so the prophet defecated outside.

7th century Arabs could not read, so the prophet could not read.

7th century Arabs married 6 year old girls, so the prophet married a six year old girl.

7th century Arabs hit their wives, so the prophet hit Aisha (according to Sahih Muslim)

7th century Arabs kept slaves, so the prophet kept slaves.

When you defecate outside, ride camels, become illiterate, marry six year olds, hit your wife, and keep slaves, then get back to us you fucking murtad.

Honestly what these religious folks are trying to do is, study islam and then use that as a platform to influence people through the mosques and then get what they want like 'riches' enter government and rule people by saying they have the word of god but lack to 'expertise' in the field they want to rule...i mean have u ever seen a poor imam in somalia? serious ulterior motives but we need to weed this mothersuckas out. The real imams do not venture where it isn't their area or expertise and keep religion a matter between you as an individual and god, but the ones with ulterior motives bring it into the dunya so they can get some sort of advantage in their life!!!!


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
7th century Arabs rode camels, so the prophet rode camels.

7th century Arabs defecated outside, so the prophet defecated outside.

7th century Arabs could not read, so the prophet could not read.

7th century Arabs married 6 year old girls, so the prophet married a six year old girl.

7th century Arabs hit their wives, so the prophet hit Aisha (according to Sahih Muslim)

7th century Arabs kept slaves, so the prophet kept slaves.

When you defecate outside, ride camels, become illiterate, marry six year olds, hit your wife, and keep slaves, then get back to us you fucking murtad.
f*ck off you murtad, you disguise your atheist ramblings by attacking Bukhaari whose Sahih Hadiths are infallible because the Prophet SAW approved his work in a dream.

You wish to white wash Islam with your kufr. Secularism originated in France where armpit haired women are the norm and didn't even wash themselves. Your beloved democracy originated in Greek where humping your 10 year old boyfriend was the norm

I bet you mulxid have inner conflicts about your sexuality but you will never change Islam.

You claim you follow the Quran explain how we pray then. Since it is not taught in the Qur'an?


Bidaar wanaagsan, these mothersuckas are now accusing me and you of not being muslim cause we dont use religion as a platform to go dominate other peoples lives or seek positions in govt where we have no expertise, it's these mothersuckas doing that and then they question if we are loyal to islam. Amazing shit wallahi. I can't wait secularist and religious folks go head to head on universal tv.
BTW LA Ikra fi deen ayat only applies to non Muslims. Islam literally means submission, one who submits and is humble
Garbage. The Quran does not limit La ikraha fi diin to non-Muslims. That is your Wahabbi distortion. The verse says only "There is no compulsion in religion. Truth is clearer than falsehood". That's an absolute command: you cannot force Islam on anybody because obedience has to be voluntary. If it it is not, then it is not obedience. Allah chose humans over angels because humans have free will and can choose to submit voluntarily whereas angels have no free will. Freedom is the core of Islam you fucking


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Garbage. The Quran does not limit La ikraha fi diin to non-Muslims. That is your Wahabbi distortion. The verse says only "There is no compulsion in religion. Truth is clearer than falsehood". That's an absolute command: you cannot force Islam on anybody because obedience has to be voluntary. If it it is not, then it is not obedience. Allah chose humans over angels because humans have free will and can choose to submit voluntarily whereas angels have no free will. Freedom is the core of Islam you fucking

You sure have the freedom to do what you want. You are free to go to hell ya zindiq, nacatullahi calayk fi saqdatal naar!:pacspit::pacspit:


Garbage. The Quran does not limit La ikraha fi diin to non-Muslims. That is your Wahabbi distortion. The verse says only "There is no compulsion in religion. Truth is clearer than falsehood". That's an absolute command: you cannot force Islam on anybody because obedience has to be voluntary. If it it is not, then it is not obedience. Allah chose humans over angels because humans have free will and can choose to submit voluntarily whereas angels have no free will. Freedom is the core of Islam you fucking

We want a society that is merit based not identity based(religion, race, tribe, siil, gus) and this mothersucka techniko wants a society that is identity based(religion). He is only doing this for personal gain in life, believe me. Me and you have nothing to gain from this, we want a society where everyone no matter their identity can succeed and live with us as long as they contribute to the development of the country!!!


Bidaar wanaagsan, these mothersuckas are now accusing me and you of not being muslim cause we dont use religion as a platform to go dominate other peoples lives or seek positions in govt where we have no expertise, it's these mothersuckas doing that and then they question if we are loyal to islam. Amazing shit wallahi. I can't wait secularist and religious folks go head to head on universal tv.

It's amazing what this world has come to my brother. Me and you are saying qof walbo xaq buu lee yahay, xaqqas illahi ba siiye, qof ka qaadi karana ma jirto. This mothersucka is saying only muslims ba xaq leh inta kale xaq malaha. The whole diin is about xaq!!! Gaal dil iyo gartisa si ma oggo miyaa ninkan. Waxa la dili kara keliya marku gaf uu gaysto qof kale lakin hadusan gaf ku gaysan gartisa si
f*ck off you murtad, you disguise your atheist ramblings by attacking Bukhaari whose Sahih Hadiths are infallible because the Prophet SAW approved his work in a dream.

You wish to white wash Islam with your kufr. Secularism originated in France where armpit haired women are the norm and didn't even wash themselves. Your beloved democracy originated in Greek where humping your 10 year old boyfriend was the norm

I bet you mulxid have inner conflicts about your sexuality but you will never change Islam.

You claim you follow the Quran explain how we pray then. Since it is not taught in the Qur'an?
LOL @ the prophet approved Bukhari in a dream. People claim to have divine visions all the time you stupid kafir. It doesn't mean it's legitimate. Only the Quran is infallible you piece of shit. To claim that Bukhari is infallible is pure kufr. His book was written two hundred years after the prophet died.

There's nothing wrong with hadiths so long as they don't contradict the Quran, science, or our God given reason. Some are authentic, and some are forgeries.


Bidaar, you know that old somali saying, gaal dil iyo gartisa si. Gaal and Muslim both have unalienable rights sxb, human rights. As long as your a human being you have human rights and the biggest human right is FREEDOM-EQUALITY-JUSTICE. He has the right to be free just like you are, have equal access to opportunities if he or she is the best person for the job and justice mechanism if someone harms them. This is truly unalienable rights of every human being!!! You have a right to live sxb and breath and go on with your life and seek to better yourself and your society.
It's amazing what this world has come to my brother. Me and you are saying qof walbo xaq buu lee yahay, xaqqas illahi ba siiye, qof ka qaadi karana ma jirto. This mothersucka is saying only muslims ba xaq leh inta kale xaq malaha. The whole diin is about xaq!!! Gaal dil iyo gartisa si ma oggo miyaa ninkan. Waxa la dili kara keliya marku gaf uu gaysto qof kale lakin hadusan gaf ku gaysan gartisa si
This kafir Teknikko is a liar who wants to turn people away from Islam by making it look extreme and backwards. You can tell because he did not answer my point about 7th century Arab customs. He needs to be executed by the secular mujahedeen.


This kafir Teknikko is a liar who wants to turn people away from Islam by making it look extreme and backwards. You can tell because he did not answer my point about 7th century Arab customs. He needs to be executed by the secular mujahedeen.

I suspect that is the agenda why else would the british back a nutcase in the desert by the name of abdul wahab? it's to destroy Islam from within by making it so unappealing and keep them backwards because they know the quran doesn't address human development!!!


I suspect that is the agenda why else would the british back a nutcase in the desert by the name of abdul wahab? it's to destroy Islam from within by making it so unappealing and keep them backwards because they know the quran doesn't address human development!!!

It's funny there was someone who said in another thread that islam hasn't got the same shared history as christianity, which is true. I mean have u ever seen in islamic history a vatican where the clergy rule? thats how all europe looked like at one time and that is the main reason why they headed into dark ages and why muslims conquered the world because they didn't have such a flawed system, they separated amir for worldly affairs which allowed secular thoughts on all matters of progress and kept religion in the spiritual realm. It seems we are now taking the european place of having the clergy rule us when we never had this damn history to begin with!!! We should've of technically slipped into secularism alot easier and quicker then the west but we haven't which is totally sad!!!
Swords are a long knife and a gun is simply the advanced version of bow and arrow. You are comparing religious tenets with tools, a false analogy.

God would've banned slavery if it were necessary but He didn't

Either accept the Quran as a time immemorial book that is perfect. Or stop claiming Islam
Guns are not an advanced form of bows and arrows. You would know this if you took your Salafi boyfriend's dick out of your mouth. Prophet Bukhari says that you should not imitate the kuffar so why do you use western technology?

If you're going to follow 7th century customs in criminal justice, then follow them in toilet habits and defecate outside you fucking shithead. Don't think we don't see through your agenda. You are an anti-Islamic troll who was raped by Tyrone.
Are you talking about the same Sicily and Spain that Arabs invaded and subjugated for hundreds of years? Are you surprised that invaders are not welcomed with flowers and chocolate? As somebody once said, nobody likes armed missionaries. You do know the Crusades were a response to the Arab conquest of the Christian middle east?

When Arabs spread Islam peacefully as in Indonesia, everybody converted, but when they invaded like Spain, they were met with a counter-jihad. 10% of Egypt is still Christian because of the bitter legacy of Arab invaders. Look at what's happening to Rohyngans today: the Buddhists are saying they have to protect Burma lest Muslims take it over like they took over Afghanistan where Muslim invaders destroyed the Buddhist community. The Taliban blew up Buddha statutes in Bamiyan. People have a long memory.

Yes the later conquests were anything but islamic, and had nothing to do with islam,
it was pure colonialism , but seriously do you believe in the fiction of muslims invading and forcing people to convert at swordpoint?
Infact in the Khalifate of Bany ummaya, they tried to restrict conversion to islam because it would lower the tax base.
The main reasons for invasion and conquest were the same as time immemorial, land and wealth.

Genocide and forced conversions again are a christian thing..
Yes the later conquests were anything but islamic, and had nothing to do with islam,
it was pure colonialism , but seriously do you believe in the fiction of muslims invading and forcing people to convert at swordpoint?
Infact in the Khalifate of Bany ummaya, they tried to restrict conversion to islam because it would lower the tax base.
The main reasons for invasion and conquest were the same as time immemorial, land and wealth.

Genocide and forced conversions again are a christian thing..
You're right about the tax base. Jizya was too profitable for the empire. But coercion does not come only from the point of a sword, though such things did happen (consider the Janissaries). These people lived as Dhimmis. They were second class citizens who faced persecution. The khilafatul Uthmaniyyah was wise enough to abolish discrimination in the 19th century, but for centuries the only way to become free was to adopt your overlord's religion. Compare the places where dawah was peaceful to the places where it was violent: India was subjugated and remains fiercely anti-Muslim, but Somalia wasn't and is a Muslim country.
You're right about the tax base. Jizya was too profitable for the empire. But coercion does not come only from the point of a sword, though such things did happen (consider the Janissaries). These people lived as Dhimmis. They were second class citizens who faced persecution. The khilafatul Uthmaniyyah was wise enough to abolish discrimination in the 19th century, but for centuries the only way to become free was to adopt your overlord's religion. Compare the places where dawah was peaceful to the places where it was violent: India was subjugated and remains fiercely anti-Muslim, but Somalia wasn't and is a Muslim country.

People see the actions of muslim rulers and then accept that as a moral standard.
Salvery is wrong and islam sought to remove the institution by doing it gradually, this slowed down by the time of the prophets death scw.
It came to a full stop just decades later and slavery became a profitable enterprise.
Jannisaries were xaram, allot of the actions of the so called khalifas were also xaram.
having harem of women you can f*ck at will is also xaram.
Subjugating people as well.

you are seeing the dhimma from a modern prespective, the treatment of dhimma varied greatly.
If you were in egypt and syria your life changed greatly for the better with the coming of muslim rule.
The people had an oppressive nobility mostly foriegn and greek lording it over and you had a religous persecution for not following official church.
When Amr ibn cas invaded egypt he had the full support of the native egyptians who made up more than 95% of the population,
the same in Syria.

Muslims would not have lasted 10 years if the people were hostile.

and you should note that 500 years after the muslim conquest both Egypt and Syria were over 3/4 christian.
People see the actions of muslim rulers and then accept that as a moral standard.
Salvery is wrong and islam sought to remove the institution by doing it gradually, this slowed down by the time of the prophets death scw.
It came to a full stop just decades later and slavery became a profitable enterprise.
Jannisaries were xaram, allot of the actions of the so called khalifas were also xaram.
having harem of women you can f*ck at will is also xaram.
Subjugating people as well.

you are seeing the dhimma from a modern prespective, the treatment of dhimma varied greatly.
If you were in egypt and syria your life changed greatly for the better with the coming of muslim rule.
The people had an oppressive nobility mostly foriegn and greek lording it over and you had a religous persecution for not following official church.
When Amr ibn cas invaded egypt he had the full support of the native egyptians who made up more than 95% of the population,
the same in Syria.

Muslims would not have lasted 10 years if the people were hostile.

and you should note that 500 years after the muslim conquest both Egypt and Syria were over 3/4 christian.
Some Muslim rulers were civilized for their age, and others were barbarians. Akbar The Great was a great Muslim leader but Aurangzeb was a barbarian who desecrated Hindu temples. Saladin al-Ayubi was a gentleman, but Tamerlane was a gangster. All I'm saying is that I have no loyalty to warlords just because they are called Mohammed or Ahmed. Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau have shown more humanity and compassion for Muslim refugees than most heads of Muslim countries. I would vote for any of them as the president of Somalia. They would do a much better job than the dark as coal bushmen who run us.

The period in which we are presently living through in the West as a minority will be looked back upon by future historians as a Golden Age when the Salafis have succeeded in making us all hated.

If the Arab invaders liberated Egypt and Syria, why did they not go home after freeing them from foreign domination? The US went home after "liberating" Iraq. Sounds like propaganda to me. Invaders are forever liberating their victims. Also, how can you ask for a nuanced treatment of Arab imperialism when you're so contemptuous of Byzantine and Roman imperialism? These were advanced civilizations for their day. They may very well have been as superior to Arab rulers as modern day European leaders are superior to Muslim ones.
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