LMAO Wahhabis come explain

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
How do you know that they're salafi? Why don't you just say Muslims come & explain?
What do you find funny? The fact that they're calling on Allah? What's wrong with that? May Allah bless these sisters & preserve them amiin yaa rabb.


If a foreigner came to your homeland and was in favor for an invader of course you'd resist . You wouldn't be happy about it.


Suicidal men adore me.
How do you know that they're salafi? Why don't you just say Muslims come & explain?
What do you find funny? The fact that they're calling on Allah? What's wrong with that? May Allah bless these sisters & preserve them amiin yaa rabb.

Don't use Allahs name in vain. There's no need to stand on stair shouting Allahs name. They are clearly wahhabi They are wearing Niqabs.

Why are they trying to block the US congressmen from visiting the site?


Suicidal men adore me.
If a foreigner came to your homeland and was in favor for an invader of course you'd resist . You wouldn't be happy about it.

What homeland? The land belongs to both. Jews have been expelled from their own homes. They should learn to live in peace.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Don't use Allahs name in vain. There's no need to stand on stair shouting Allahs name. They are clearly wahhabi They are wearing Niqabs.

Why are they trying to block the US congressmen from visiting the site?
Don't use Allahs name in vain? They're calling out to Allah saying he's the best of protectors, all praises be to him, they're glorifying him & all you're concerned with is the congress man? So you ain't a feminist when Muslim women are concerned, it's clear where your loyalty lies.


Suicidal men adore me.
Don't use Allahs name in vain? They're calling out to Allah saying he's the best of protector & all you're concerned with is the congress man? So you ain't a feminist when Muslim women are concerned, it's clear where your loyalty lies.

Feminism does not mean support everything women do you imbecile. WHy are they standing on those steps screaming Allahu Akbar? Don't use Allahs name in vain. Yes I'm concerned for the congress man, how embarrassing. Let him visit the site.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Feminism does not mean support everything women do you imbecile. WHy are they standing on those steps screaming Allahu Akbar? Don't use Allahs name in vain. Yes I'm concerned for the congress man, how embarrassing. Let him visit the site.
They can scream Allahu Akbar all they want why don't you concentrate on going clubbing & getting drunk kkkk


What homeland? The land belongs to both. Jews have been expelled from their own homes. They should learn to live in peace.
What do you mean? Jews are killing them, they even blocked their water supply during Ramadan yet you don't see much media coverage on this. Didn't you see the airstrikes they threw at Gaza last summer. They practically destroyed town and civillian homes, they don't give a f*ck. Also, Jews are outsider; I mean the Palestinians have been living their for thousands of years and for all we knows Jews are just foreign people with outside influences of culture, they should learn to integrate with greater white Europe if that's the case and stay there.
The land has belonged to the Jews. Don't understand why people wanna deny that fact when History clearly proves it.
That was 2000 years ago until they got karbashed by the Romans and scattered thoroughout the world. Its even forbidden in orthodox judaism for them to go back until their messiah comes.


Suicidal men adore me.
What do you mean? Jews are killing them, they even blocked their water supply during Ramadan yet you don't see much media coverage on this. Didn't you see the airstrikes they threw at Gaza last summer. They practically destroyed town and civillian homes, they don't give a f*ck. Also, Jews are outsider; I mean the Palestinians have been living their for thousands of years and for all we knows Jews are just foreign people with outside influences of culture, they should learn to integrate with greater white Europe if that's the case and stay there.


Jews are not foreign. Let's be honest. That land has belonged to them. They've lived there for thousands of years too.


Suicidal men adore me.
What do you mean? Jews are killing them, they even blocked their water supply during Ramadan yet you don't see much media coverage on this. Didn't you see the airstrikes they threw at Gaza last summer. They practically destroyed town and civillian homes, they don't give a f*ck. Also, Jews are outsider; I mean the Palestinians have been living their for thousands of years and for all we knows Jews are just foreign people with outside influences of culture, they should learn to integrate with greater white Europe if that's the case and stay there.

LMAO you got that from biased Al Jazeera. Israel didn't do that. And Palestinians killed how many in that restaurant? Go fight for the dying Somalis or Persians or whatever you claim Nayaa.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Jews are Allahs chosen people. He loves them. Remember. They are blessed.
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