Abdullahi Abdurahman book has been reviewed and accepted by most historians. You're such a liar and I've read his book, he did not say that. You've been exposed as a liar yet again. @Factz @Apollo check this out.Baadiyow (your Abdullahi, Abdurahman.) writes. among other things, that the Periplus was written by Maris Erythraei, when that is part of the title (The Circumnavigation of the Red Sea). Maris Erythraei is Greek for "of the Red Sea". He also states that Mir Ali Bey strengthened the alliance between the Ajuraan and the Ottomans, while his own footnoted source states that Bey was an independant pirate, aided and financed in large part by the merchants of Muqdisho and Baraawe (not the Ajuraan) and that he was captured by the Portuguese when they burned Mombasa and died a Catholic in Lisbon. In fact, there is no correspondence at all in the Ottoman archives between the Ottomans and the Ajuraan. Baadiyow is not to be trusted.
Ade Ajayi was a Christian Igbo and a member of the Ibadan school, which emphasized the African component in African history. He is misinformed, or at least describing only a limited period of time. Why would you pick him over the many Somalis and others who have written on the subject?
A good many of the Reewin clans, as well as the Jiddu, Begedi and Hintire, left the Geledi alliance after 1843. Zanzibari Sultan Barghash studied religion at Baraawe and was both patron and Khalifa to Tunni Shaykh Uweys al Baraawe. By the mid-19th century, Baraawe was swinging away from the Geledi and towards significant reliance on Barghash, who established a garrison in the town shortly after becoming Sultan in 1870.
Your claims make no sense at all.
First of all. He never said Mir Ali Bey strengthen ties between the Ajuran Sultanate and Ottoman Empire.
He said they strengthen ties after the Portuguese failed to conquer Mogadishu, province of Ajuran as his authentic sources say.
He said Mir Ali Bay forces as Turkish, he never considered them Ottoman. You're a compulsive liar.

They both did work together to liberate Mombasa as you can see from the south below.

Mogadishu and Barawa was part of Ajuran Sultanate, f*ck you mean? They were provinces of Ajuran Sultanate and the Ajuran sub-clans settled into those two cities. The Moorshe clan dominated Mogadishu.
Source for Barawa. It says Ajuran defended its territory against the Portuguese when they invaded Barawa. It explains to you that it was part of the Ajuran Sultanate.

Do you realize during the Ajuran period that Mogadishu was dominated by Moorshe, an Ajuran sub-clan?

He was right about the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea and the ancient Somali city-states.

Go learn about Periplus Maris Erythraei, it's a Greco-Roman periplus written in Koine Greek that describes navigation and trading opportunities from Roman Egyptian ports like Berenice Troglodytica along the coast of the Red Sea, and others along Horn of Africa, the Sindh region of Pakistan, along with southwestern regions of India. The text has been ascribed to different dates between the first and third centuries.
Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periplus_of_the_Erythraean_Sea
Lastly, Ade Ajayi is a historian who studied the Somali history so she is right about Rahanweyn being ruled by the Geledi clan. Your opinions don't matter and you hold no PHD on history so f*ck off!
Debunked again old man!

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