Madow French woman is clowned for her features by North Africans and madow men


Never have i seen a group of people more racist than French North Africans these niggas are like pitbulls they cant help it. They have to go attack any race they see online.
Never understood Algerian living in france and representing them after what the french did not so long ago.



French blacks have no energy for north Africans for some reason idk what it is

if Somalis or other East Africans where doing this it would’ve been ww3
Inferiority complex never took shit from other Africans growing up when they called me anything other than African, anything they dish out I made sure to give it back 1000% they shit on my language I compare their language to a bunch of howling monkies in Zaire, or calling Algerian friends french poodles etc...

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
French blacks have no energy for north Africans for some reason idk what it is

if Somalis or other East Africans where doing this it would’ve been ww3

They operate on a hierarchy. If the Horn never had wars in the last 50 years and had been as developed as the North, they would have no energy for us but now they perceive us as being below them, hence the obsession that we dare to defend ourselves or maintain our insularity. This is why they will always resort to famine pictures of children when the discussion was about skin color. Its pretty disturbing and shows you how little in common we have with them and should not take their bait.

Meanwhile an unhinged Somali would look down on a Japanese, a Saudi, a Norwegian or a Nigerian with the same energy and clap back as hard when necessary. Our mentalities are not the same.



it’s very funny reactions from madow women while North Africans and their men are comparing her to Drogba. What I’ve notice is they don’t go hard on North Africans disrespecting them rather they just take it. If it were Somalis doing the same they would’ve gone in on us. These madows have major inferiority complex.
Because the North Africans outnumber them in France. When their numbers are low they know to put their head down. It shows the difference in mentality when it comes to us vs the madows.
I never understood why French Africans out of all Africans randomly come for somalis when no somalis except @Aegon live in France :farmajoyaab:

Someone enlighten me on this because we shouldn't even exist in their world. why do they got so much one sided beef against us?
Because the French internet (this goes for most other European countries internet except for the Spanish) isn’t as influential as the English speaking internet. So what they’re saying is just a product of what they’re consuming, you’d probably see stuff that doesn’t make sense like them hating on Somalis despite there being a total of 6 Somalis who are from Djibouti and are probably JohnnySomalis or them creepily obsessing over latinas despite there being none.
Because the French internet (this goes for most other European countries internet except for the Spanish) isn’t as influential as the English speaking internet. So what they’re saying is just a product of what they’re consuming, you’d probably see stuff that doesn’t make sense like them hating on Somalis despite there being a total of 6 Somalis who are from Djibouti and are probably JohnnySomalis or them creepily obsessing over latinas despite there being none.
Funny thing is those black franchophones are irrelevant including the Somalis in France.
I really don’t see the point of them being loyal to men who’ll tag team with racists just to put them down.

2013 twitter was enough to convince me that a good % of madow men think their women particular the darker ones are unattractive. You were really young then, but those days were 10x worse than now. There was no political correction on twitter and dark skin women jokes were being thrown around everywhere. Every part of them was dissected.
Even in real life, people were sooo colourist in the early 2010’s. It was right before political correctness became a thing. I remember being in middle school and people would openly say colourist and racist things with no consequence. β€œDarkskin vs lightskin” jokes were commonplace and people would call dark skin girls ratchet, ugly and ghetto.

It was a different time walahi none of that shit would fly today (which is a good thing)