Majors/degrees/whatever you all are doing

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No. This class isn't taken until junior level. The weed out classes are physics 2 and multi variable calculus apparently. I remember struggling with both but in hindsight, I'd take them over what I am doing right now.

Are you in your last year of ME?.

I don't know how it works over in the US
Your advice is for the most part relevant only to your country. Construction in Australia is booming whilst manufacturing is dying, hence civil > mech + aero.

Also oil and gas are big in some nations. When they are chem is good.

Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking of course?
Well my advice for the most part encompasses North America, i didn't realize that op was from Australia as i
have zero clue of their market demands and whatnot. Am From Canada so the tech industry is huge here.
This depends on alot of factors bro. Country,location,politics,economy, can change your job prospect dramatically and they constantly keep changing. 5 years ago, everyone was saying petroleum and chemical were the best and now that oil is down software is good. The Canadian gov't is heavily investing in our outdated infrastructure for the next decade so civil has jobs. Manufacturing has been really hard to find lately as well. Chemical depends on the city and isn't limited to O&G; pharmaceuticals, healthcare,food etc. is other sectors they can get into.
Your recommended list also applies in Canada too tbh.
Overall you can't go wrong with any eng. degree
True but you need to network heavily and this is where somalis lack to be honest, and yeah i had relatives studying Petroleum and chemical
engineering in hopes to land a job in Alberta but the oil market collapsed not they are scrambling to get a job in Middle east. For civil there are jobs but then again they prefer to hire seniors or people with 10 year experience, a new grad will struggle to compete against these guys so they will need a masters at the minimum.
You and @AirJawdan kill me


A man gotta eat sxb. What do they take me for? I'm going to do taxable work for a bunch of skinnies I will never meet out of ego? Naw bruh. I get my ego stroked all the time in the real world for free without busting out the chalk and doing some crazy ass variation of a pulley or pendulum problem. I get paid for that shit.

They think they are slick with that amateur reverse psychology. :childplease:
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cismaan maxamuud
Looks like i'm gonna have to learn the basics of physics from external sources so that i will be ready for all the physic in eng :bell:.


cismaan maxamuud
Can someone from Australia explain why pharmacists in our country get paid soo low around 60kAUD as opposed to other countries like the US which gives them six figure salaries with ease.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Can someone from Australia explain why pharmacists in our country get paid soo low around 60kAUD as opposed to other countries like the US which gives them six figure salaries with ease.

There is an over supply of pharmacists. The 60k figure sounds quite wrong to me tbh. Perhaps you are looking at the wrong figures, perhaps that is graduate income. Experienced professionals (uni degree under the belt) should be able to make a lot more than that.
@Transparent why not go into finance? You'll be rich$$££€€$. Ppl go into the finance sector with engineering degrees all the time

If you mean Finance industry as Investment banking then
Pretty difficult getting your foot in the door. If you don't manage to get an internship/placement with them first. You won't get in at all.

Plus they work you like a dog, (12 - 16 hour days).

Plus side would be you get to make fat stacks though after a few years.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
There is an over supply of pharmacists. The 60k figure sounds quite wrong to me tbh. Perhaps you are looking at the wrong figures, perhaps that is graduate income. Experienced professionals (uni degree under the belt) should be able to make a lot more than that.

60k sounds like pay you get with 2-3 years experience. I think these numbers are wrong. Go do some proper research and see what is up.

Also if you are pursuing a health career go for dent, med, optom, physio. In that order, they are in order of highest to lowest paying (all excellent though). Health is one of the best industries in Aus. Keep these on your list of careers if you have the pre req subjects, and have some interest in these fields.
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