Male Police Officers Are Benevolent


Inaba Caadi Maaha
This lady’s posts are absolutely hilarious. I don’t whether I should find her pick-meshaing pathetic or funny

“Waan idin wada salaameya ragii layga beerayow” :damn:

She has a point here, though. From personal experience and those of the women around me, male officers (or men in positions of authority in general) are always more lenient towards woman than their female colleagues.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
This Ogaden woman is mentally ill. She is an uber driver in Minneapolis. Very tom boyish., at the same time very feminine, Very weird combination

She has spent her life with giving up the malab, now she wants a husband. if u meet her - in the first five minutes she will talk about a peni.s . Horniness has bamboozled her to insanity.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I love her, she always defends Faaraxs, and gives good advice.

awkward charge GIF
Proud to say she blocked me in a live. I am happy I don’t have to see her filtered face anymore. Sad that not one of the men who watch her has married her yet.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
I also love this TikToker , she defends Faaraxs from qumayo feminist Halimos



Inaba Caadi Maaha
Proud to say she blocked me in a live. I am happy I don’t have to see her filtered face anymore. Sad that not one of the men who watch her has married her yet.

Why were you hating on her live? Just scroll if you don’t like her content. She’s a funny eedo and I think she might burst into atoms if she didn’t have her TikTok outlet to vent.

