Man from Namibia snaps at Somalis

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Mans furious at the hypocrisy, man wants to get a taste of Somali women too.

What's he blabbing about? Somalis are the #1 Muslims and #1 African community that accepts outside marriages. They encourage it. Maybe 5% don't like it but I'm sure more than 50% of Westerners don't like outside marriages.


Suldaanka Gobyare
What's he blabbing about? Somalis are the #1 Muslims and #1 African community that accepts outside marriages. They encourage it. Maybe 5% don't like it but I'm sure more than 50% of Westerners don't like outside marriages.
you actually have a point there they are one of the most open communities lol man this Namibian man had hard time getting Somali girl he should blame himself
you actually have a point there they are one of the most open communities lol man this Namibian man had hard time getting Somali girl he should blame himself

He has a better chance than you or any other Somali guy. He probably just went up to one, got rejected and he's one of those people that get angry after first time failure


Suldaanka Gobyare
He has a better chance than you or any other Somali guy. He probably just went up to one, got rejected and he's one of those people that get angry after first time failure
lol I only go for qaali women though he can have em
He has a better chance than you or any other Somali guy. He probably just went up to one, got rejected and he's one of those people that get angry after first time failure
Canada got u fucked up, not everyone is like the new years eve halimos on Somalifeatures kkkkkk
Namibians can f*ck off honestly. Still remember that adopted namibian bantu who was obsessed with Somalis

What's he blabbing about? Somalis are the #1 Muslims and #1 African community that accepts outside marriages. They encourage it. Maybe 5% don't like it but I'm sure more than 50% of Westerners don't like outside marriages.
Nah and nah again son. Any outside marriages that occour are in the diaspora, meanwhile other africans literally bootyclap for anything non-bantu. Anything to help them escape their own insecurities
I mean read that shit, it's disgusting.

On Dating a White Man
Quirky Advice | 2014-11-07Page no: 13

โ€ข Estrela Imene

Last week at a friend's birthday dinner, a question was posed to me that I couldn't answer. I was asked what it was like to date a white man. And I went blank. I didn't know what to say.

In an independent Namibia, interracial relationships are widely accepted (or so I hope). I cannot verify this, seeing as I've not done any research on the matter, so pardon the gaps in my knowledge. This is also my first serious relationship, so bear with me.

The official version of how we met (what I told my mother) is at a College of the Arts open African dance class (obviously there's more to this story, but let's not get into that).

I was taught to judge a man by his character and not the colour of his skin (thanks, dad!) and to be honest, I do not see colour. So I didn't go looking for a white man, just to be clear.

He's handsome and intelligent, funny (dry humour mostly), kind, caring and all the adjectives one would use to describe the best boyfriend in the world (true story). And he is a feminist. Talk about a keeper!

My friends (mostly black women) love him. They say he is a good match for me, intelligent and able to keep up with my philosophical musings.

Their racial comments go something like this:

โ€œSister girl, you got yourself a white man!โ€

โ€œHe is white? You didn't think to mention this earlier?โ€

โ€œYou do know that he is white, right?โ€

โ€œI knew you'd end up with a white dude, you coconut person you!โ€

My mentor/surrogate dad didn't even bring it up. After the initial 'aww' moment, he gave me some relationship advice. He said โ€œrelationships are not about compromise, they are about acceptanceโ€. Words I now live by.

My mother took it in stride. I was relieved when she told me that she liked him.

She even opened up to me about a certain white man she once dated. Like mother like daughter, I suppose. Dad? I have no idea, I told my mother to tell him and I'm guessing he'll want a word with me after this article. I'll let you know how that goes.

I was so nervous when I met his parents but they were uber nice to me so it didn't take long to get over the nerves. Dinner was good, I learnt quite a bit about his family history. He told me the next day that his mother said I was cute (I can live with that) and reserved (I'm not). I love the fact that they were among the few white people advocating for independence; they even got kicked out of Namibia and had to flee from South Africa. They are amazing people.

One of my male relatives tried to intimidate him with the 'tough guy' act but even he has come around.

When we go out some people stare (for a long time). We went to brunch a couple of months ago and the group at the table across from us kept glancing our way. An old man kept staring at us, even after I looked him right in the eye. The rest of Windhoek minds their own business, I don't even think they notice us. (And we are a good looking couple!)

Part of my discomfort with the the question about what it is like to date a white man is the fact that I don't like talking about racial issues. I try really, really hard not to see colour, I'd rather the rest of the world was like me.

I've learnt to acknowledge that, yes, he is in fact white. But that should not be the issue. I'd think people would be more concerned about whether or not we are compatible and other relationshippy stuff. Besides if and when we do get married, we'd make beautiful babies. With both our brains and good looks, those kids will have it made!

So what's it like dating a white man? My white man โ€“ simply wonderful. But I've learnt that white people also deal with racial issues like being judged as being racist and arrogant and feeling like they do not belong in their own society. Many feel helpless to reconcile white and black Namibia despite desperately wanting to do so. The weirdest thing I've discovered by far has to be that non-racist white people really abhor their racist counterparts, a lot!
Mar baa sharafku xaydmaa , aduunyooy
Ninkii laga xishoon jiray
Aan cidi ba xaalayn,

Ninkii laga xishoon jiray

aan cidi ka xadhig xidhan
Adduunyooy xaalkaa baโ€™
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