Hollywood and other Media forms like that qashin Bollywood has warped people's brains about what marriage and love is supposed to be.
The Holy Qur'an describes marriage as:
"They are your garments & ye are their garments." (Q2:187)
An interpretation of this is:
As long as you support and protect one another, this is a blessed marriage so don't overthink it. Always try to spend alone time with each other and seek out new experiences/adventures so you don't get stagnant.
The Holy Qur'an describes marriage as:
"They are your garments & ye are their garments." (Q2:187)
An interpretation of this is:
Men & women are each other's garments: i.e., they are of mutual support, mutual comfort, & mutual protection, fitting into each other as a garment fits the body.
As long as you support and protect one another, this is a blessed marriage so don't overthink it. Always try to spend alone time with each other and seek out new experiences/adventures so you don't get stagnant.
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