Don't marry your first cousins!! Just one generation of cousin marriage and the kids will be completely deformed and not normal. It messes with people's genes and brings out deadly traits that were buried inside your DNA. For the sake of your grandkids don't do it.
How was your night?There's literally billions of people you can have as a partner and you chose your cousin, why?
Unless your being forced to get married then politely state a definite NO !. Unless you are forced then by all means run for the hills, I despise forced marriages yet sadly it happens as certain regions or cultures embrace it.
There's literally billions of people you can have as a partner and you chose your cousin, why?
He's mixed clan, I have family like that.I didnt choose anything
Your family are related, if not you wouldn't be here. XxKissing cousins?
I would never marry my first cousin but though one of my female cousins , shes about 35 years old whit big melons ..Shes my friend and sometimes she flirts whit me even saw her fine big melons and here big booty whit out kastuumo .. if she wants i can illegally bang that first cousin vijayvijay lik there is no tommorow..![]()
I would never marry my first cousin but though one of my female cousins , shes about 35 years old whit big melons ..Shes my friend and sometimes she flirts whit me even saw her fine big melons and here big booty whit out kastuumo .. if she wants i can illegally bang that first cousin vijayvijay lik there is no tommorow..![]()
Hopefully you can match mine soon.I'm growing my beard now![]()
Halyey YalaxowI would never marry my first cousin but though one of my female cousins , shes about 35 years old whit big melons ..Shes my friend and sometimes she flirts whit me even saw her fine big melons and here big booty whit out kastuumo .. if she wants i can illegally bang that first cousin vijayvijay lik there is no tommorow..![]()