Marxuumka has become an Arab bootyclapper


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Its either Arabic or English on the world stage.

I prefer arabic it flows better then english for our politicians. Farmajo literally sounded like an autist even though hes American…
Marxuumka is much here is struggling to speak English



Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
This guy sounds like he never spoke English in his life💀
Marxumka wa doqon sami qaybsigi darood u kuma talaye wuxu modeey inu hassan gurgurte u yahay xoghayeen 😂😂 doqonki Ogaden dollo laga qadye 😂 prime minister la magacabo aniga ugu dabeeyo kulaha marka muxu noqonaaya ma Hassan gurgurte water boy miyu noqonaaya