Maya Jama posts tweet pic repping Somalia!!! She's one of ours!!!

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Somalis and Ethiopians are racially the same people. The Abyssinians were essentially the same people as Somalis. A minority group of Cushites adopted a Semitic language. Thats it. Abyssinia = Cush.
i know sahib ive allways wonderd who is the better cushite :siilaanyolaugh:

i gues we can leave it at both of are the better cushites :siilaanyosmile:
nope, he’s your master don’t mistaken the two.
I’m a proud Somali my peoples never served no master in the past and even in the present we savage. Get out of here with your cuckery u sound like u gave up on life

Which part of greater Somalia are you from?
i know sahib ive allways wonderd who is the better cushite :siilaanyolaugh:

i gues we can leave it at both of are the better cushites :siilaanyosmile:

The worst Cushites are the Sudanese and the southern Cushites. They get cucked everytime. Imagine losing your culture to Arabs and Bantus. :westbrookwtf:


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
The inferior are destined to be dominated by a greater species until the inferior species become extinct or assimilates into the dominant culture.

This is how it works.
Islam will once again rule. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will give us victory when we finally rectify
ourselves. We will gain victory when we obey him. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) make us righteous enough to one day fight in his cause. And Allah knows best.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
We went over to the Maldives took it over and ruled it

We even colonised the madhows in sofala robbed the gold their
Geeljire akhi do you have hard time reading I am well versed in the Maldives yacni wa lakin never heard this Sofala Mozambique shoarma stuff explain plzzz


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
:siilaanyolaugh:this is the last time am replaying to you i completely humiliated you

if arab muslims accept christian arabs as their fellow arab brothers so will I, from this day forth maya jamac is an official member of the Somali cushtie race :salute:


What a cushite beauty she is :ooh::ooh::ahh::ahh:
Half a Caucasian beauty
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so what if they worship Jesus what's you're problem you do realize there are Christian Arab Palestinians right.

it's OK because at least their arab:faysalwtf:



:gaasdrink:Wahhabis have messed with the wires of your brain haven't they
I had a feeling he was Ethiopian this post solidified my thoughts, either Habesha or Oromo Christian trying to unite us with you 100 million juuj wa ma juuj population so you can suck our resources dry and steal our coastline:bell: the wolf in sheep’s clothing


the cucks called the Somalian race are always looking to embrace others akhhh tuuf alhamdullilah for my ethiopian passport
Ethiopians are trash and there nation is currently worse than Somalia :bell: that’s why there’s Ethiopian refugees in Somalia but not vice versa:kodaksmiley: a doomed gaajo nation with a population of 110 million:lolbron: there gonna be gaajo for ever


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Somalis feed her pretty well they have her hosting almost all Somali events. Somali models are hot right now as well. She is riding a wave no doubt. Somalis in the UK are getting Self esteem from their Canadian and American Somali people. Mashallah.


So beautiful, hopefully one day I can become something and mingle with all those stars from our stock :)
I wished I was with these beautiful Somali girls in Marrakech. I’m stuck with smelly, ugly, low I.Q, judgemental and broke Somali people from the projects on Somalispot.

I geeya Marrakech
Now it's apparently cool to be Somali but 10 years ago these were the same people that would deny being Somali in order to be accepted while people like me were in the frontline and never folded. We shouldn't allow these type of people to claim us.
Keep them out chief
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