MBS does FOX News Interview: America was once Conservative, Saudi Arabia will change too.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
There's no doubt that democracy & secularism are kufar ideologies
again, think about what you just said. democracy can exist without secularism. Islam is compatable with democracy and democracy is compatable with Shariah. It's literally the only way tribal people can have a government without a monarchy.
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
In case you didn't know, You can't go against a Muslim authority in Islam
Well you can under 1 circumstance and according to these salafis, what mbs is more than enough to off him but I guess lawlessness and terrorism are only for non-khaleejis.

What do these people make of Husayn and the battle of Karbala?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Democracy is kufr kulaha, get a load of this guy. Somalias ancient clan system is closer to democracy than theocracy.
You need to watch what you say. You talk very irresponsibly.

See- if it was a problem for Saudi you'd be ok with it but "democracy is kufr" maybe hits a little too close to home. That's why I (generally) don't talk about the rulers. If I talked about them, there is no reason I would limit it to the gulf.

Anyways, democracy is kufr. That is not according to me, that is according to Sheikh Muqbil



East Africa UNUKA LEH
See- if it was a problem for Saudi you'd be ok with it but "democracy is kufr" maybe hits a little too close to home. That's why I (generally) don't talk about the rulers. If I talked about them, there is no reason I would limit it to the gulf.

Anyways, democracy is kufr. That is not according to me, that is according to Sheikh Muqbil

You and these Salafi scholars, it dont stop :snoop:
I wonder what he thinks of Somalis if he hates the MB so much

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Indeed. Democracy is apart of liberalism and is opposed to Islam, which has its own political system.

What kind of Muslim defends an anti-Islam system made by gaalo? Ignorance is a disease.

I also see @Omar del Sur showed up to post a hadith about the khilafa in defence of MBS blatantly saying he wants to remove Islam. Madkhalism = promoters of liberalism.

He did not even bat an eye, MBS is the worst thing to happen to the Madkhalis. Utterly exposed their facade.

What are you even talking about? I guess lying is ok, "ends just justifies the means" according to your DH minhaj. You are simply lying about me. I posted a hadith about adhering to the sunnah in defense of... adhering to the sunnah.

All this lying, saying I'm a stooge for MBS- meanwhile I don't think I've said anything on here for or against him. I guess according to your ideology, if I'm discussing math with someone and I say "2+2=4," you can say this is me defending MBS and it's ok for you to just casually lie. Your internet celebrity sheikh (who isn't even a sheikh) thinks it's ok to just casually lie about people so it's no surprise you think it's ok to just casually lie about me.

My posts made it very clear, as I said- I am not a stooge for any MENA country. I have no idea how me not talking about the rulers of basically every Muslim country that isn't Syria translates to "I'm defending MBS". As far as I remember, I haven't said anything for or against him or against any current ruler of a Muslim country whose name isn't Bashar Al-Assad.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
btw @AMusee...

I would like to better know your stance. so according to you, all the hadith about obeying the ruler apply only to a unitary caliph who is the caliph over all Muslims? so.... therefore- isn't it permissible according to you to rebel against any ruler that isn't the unitary caliph??

(also, before you likely try to twist things, I posted the hadith I posted to show the importance of adhering to the sunnah, I wasn't thinking of what it said about obeying the emir- I literally even posted directly underneath "That is the right thing- just stick to the sunnah.". it's as though you have a problem with hadith that tell us to obey the ruler.)

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I also want to mention... I don't support rebelling against the rulers in Muslim countries. My belief as far as rebelling is word for word what Sheikh Ibn Baz said in the fatwa which I will post below insha'Allah.

The only Muslim country where I make takfir of the ruler is Syria where I say Assad is a kaffir. I don't make takfir of any of the other rulers of Muslim countries and I don't support rebelling against their governments.

Even in Syria where I make takfir of their ruler and I say Assad is a kaffir- I think it was a mistake for them to rebel. It was a really terrible government but I believe now things are worse.

There are people who think that because some of the rulers commit acts of kufr and sin, we are obliged to rebel against them and attempt to change things even if that results in harming the Muslims in that country, at a time when there are many problems in the Muslim world. What is your opinion?

Praise be to Allah.
The basic comprehensive principle of sharee’ah is that it is not permitted to remove an evil by means of a greater evil; evil must be warded off by that which will remove it or reduce it. Warding off evil by means of a greater evil is not permitted according to the scholarly consensus (ijmaa’) of the Muslims. If this group which wants to get rid of this ruler who is openly committing kufr is able to do so, and can bring in a good and righteous leader without that leading to greater trouble for the Muslims or a greater evil than the evil of this ruler, then that is OK. But if rebellion would result in greater trouble and lead to chaos, oppression and the assassination of people who do not deserve to be assassinated, and other forms of major evil, then that is not permitted. Rather it is essential to be patient and to hear and obey in matters of good, and to offer sincere advice to the authorities, and to pray that they may be guided to good, and to strive to reduce evil and increase good. This is the correct way which should be followed, because that is in the general interests of the Muslims, and because it will reduce evil and increase good, and because this will keep the peace and protect the Muslims from a greater evil.

-Sheikh Ibn Baz



Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Democracy is kufr kulaha, get a load of this guy. Somalias ancient clan system is closer to democracy than theocracy.
You need to watch what you say. You talk very irresponsibly.
Democracy is kufr tho. It says that legislative rule is in the hands of the people when it belongs to Allah.
Rathee have democracy than some ragtag jahdi militia try and run their corrupted version of islam. Untill a righteous sharia comes about i dont want to hear about anything other than democracy.
Retake your shahada
And yet here you are in their country where democracy and secularism are allowed.

You wouldn’t be here because of that.

Be grateful you can practice your deen with out being discriminated.

:pachah1: :Kkk:
I'm in my country what are you talking about.

Don't confuse me with your refugee parents who live of welfare and don't pay taxes :sass2:


Coping through the 1st world
Retake your shahada

I'm in my country what are you talking about.

Don't confuse me with your refugee parents who live of welfare and don't pay taxes :sass2:

Never knew you were living in Somalia.

When did you moved into your country?

Did Germany went too liberal?

Meme Think GIF
again, think about what you just said. democracy can exist without secularism. Islam is compatable with democracy and democracy is compatable with Shariah. It's literally the only way tribal people can have a government without a monarchy.
Islam doesn't conform to any ideology there is .

People say feminism,red pill,LGBTQ, communism,etc. can be all compatible with islam .

They study kufar ideologies more than their own deen & therefore believe in those ideologies more than their deen .


Coping through the 1st world
Don't worry about me ,worry about the state of your iman .

No, I’m being honest.

Most Somalis/muslims wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for secularism or democracy.

People get to vote for people like you to come to their country and contribute.

That’s democracy.

You can get all religious and righteous with me but it’s the truth.

Muslims failed their own country and now run to a country where there’s no sharia but secularism/democracy.

You may not feel compatible with western ideologies but I know Muslims want to live in a country where there’s freedom of beliefs for all people.

That’s secularism.

BTW: I know the west plays a role with their foreign intervention in Muslim countries, but that’s another story to discuss.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
No, I’m being honest.

Most Somalis/muslims wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for secularism or democracy.

People get to vote for people like you to come to their country and contribute.

That’s democracy.

You can get all religious and righteous with me but it’s the truth.

Muslims failed their own country and now run to a country where there’s no sharia but secularism/democracy.

You may not feel compatible with western ideologies but I know Muslims want to live in a country where there’s freedom of beliefs for all people.

That’s secularism.

BTW: I know the west plays a role with their foreign intervention in Muslim countries, but that’s another story to discuss.
Muslims don’t want to live in a secular state, they just want to live in a peaceful place with economic opportunity and where they can practice their religion without any obstacles. I could care less about a pagan’s right to believe in idols. It just happens to be that secular and democratic countries fulfil those requirements at this point in time.

Imagine if the khaleej countries or other Muslims countries with sharia were the same as the west economic wise and security and were also accepting refugees the same as the west was. I can guarantee that most Muslims would be there instead of the US or other western secular democracies


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
How is that determined? Is that a theocracy, a monarchy or what?
It’s can be anything. A republic, a monarchy, a caliphate. Whatever system of governance the society agrees on is fine as long as the legislation is the law of God