Meet the potential contender to become President of Somali Region

All this means is that reer isaaq have Dir and few other lineages within them.
When are you going to test the rest of your Murusade cousins?


♚Sargon of Adal♚
All this means is that reer isaaq have Dir and few other lineages within them.
Nothing wrong with that, after the 16th century many clans lost a lot of men in the war, isolated pockets banded together and joined larger confederacies.
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All this means is that reer isaaq have Dir and few other lineages within them.
I almost cant tell if your bad faith or just ignorant. Reer Isaaq settle a gobol and number in the hundreds of thousands. This isnt a tuulo there are going to be discrepancies in every clan over 1k+ just through orphans, intermarriage, rape etc

The entire Reer Isaaq being Gadabursi operating as Ogaden sheegads so quickly is not reasonable unless they were under chattle slavery at some point. Its clear you dont understand the scale of these clans.

A single pixel can not meaningfully be used to alter a photo with a resolution that large. This is a basic concept to grasp. Whatever inspires you so deeply in regards to the Ogaden needs to be reflected on. May Allah protect us from the envy of the minority clans.
Nothing wrong with that, after the 16th century many clans lost a lot of men in the war, isolated pockets banded together and joined larger confederacies.
Theres “nothing wrong” because you are a sheegad yourself(no offense) having been born and raised Hawiye seemingly.

Most of us cant imagine arguing to be another clans sheegad(again no offense) and not understanding thats even shameful. @Arkan and @Sophisticate do you have any oral history of having en masse become sheegads for the MZ and rebranding into Reer Isaaq?
I almost cant tell if your bad faith or just ignorant. Reer Isaaq settle a gobol and number in the hundreds of thousands. This isnt a tuulo there are going to be discrepancies in every clan over 1k+ just through orphans, intermarriage, rape etc

The entire Reer Isaaq being Gadabursi operating as Ogaden sheegads so quickly is not reasonable unless they were under chattle slavery at some point. Its clear you dont understand the scale of these clans.

A single pixel can not meaningfully be used to alter a photo with a resolution that large. This is a basic concept to grasp. Whatever inspires you so deeply in regards to the Ogaden needs to be reflected on. May Allah protect us from the envy of the minority clans.

Theres “nothing wrong” because you are a sheegad yourself(no offense) having been born and raised Hawiye seemingly.

Most of us cant imagine arguing to be another clans sheegad(again no offense) and not understanding thats even shameful. @Arkan and @Sophisticate do you have any oral history of having en masse become sheegads for the MZ and rebranding into Reer Isaaq?
Saxib I didn’t say reer isaaq are all Gadabursi lol. All I said is that M Zubair so far are not matching other Ogaden. Ugaas Warfa Ugaas Hirsi and Samantar (Malingur) Ugaas Hirsi are under the same branch E-FTB36204. They are brothers. Both the same ancestor and they don’t descend from Ogaden Darood E-Y163949 which is perfectly fine. People are speculating that the entire M Zubair are assimilated. You can proof us wrong by bringing a verified M Zubair to do big Y test.


Saxib I didn’t say reer isaaq are all Gadabursi lol. All I said is that M Zubair so far are not matching other Ogaden. Ugaas Warfa Ugaas Hirsi and Samantar (Malingur) Ugaas Hirsi are under the same branch E-FTB36204. They are brothers. Both the same ancestor and they don’t descend from Ogaden Darood E-Y163949 which is perfectly fine. People are speculating that the entire M Zubair are assimilated. You can proof us wrong by bringing a verified M Zubair to do big Y test.
>Cant make a sweeping statement for Reer Isaaq
>>Makes another one for Maxamed Subeer

I love how your trying to shift the burden of proof on me lol. “Proof us wrong” :icon lol:

Anyways I will be bringing some for testing whenever I get around to it. I planned it with another user some time ago but didnt follow-up.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Saxib I didn’t say reer isaaq are all Gadabursi lol. All I said is that M Zubair so far are not matching other Ogaden. Ugaas Warfa Ugaas Hirsi and Samantar (Malingur) Ugaas Hirsi are under the same branch E-FTB36204. They are brothers. Both the same ancestor and they don’t descend from Ogaden Darood E-Y163949 which is perfectly fine. People are speculating that the entire M Zubair are assimilated. You can proof us wrong by bringing a verified M Zubair to do big Y test.
He is officially chimping out.

Angry Chimp GIF by BBC America

Batman Facepalm GIF by WE tv
One day Somalis will realise how important a mother is to a child.

Why do you believe everything you hear and the dude in this thread who randomly claimed this doesn't even have source.

His mother is Ugas Koshin, Ugas Xirsi, Reer Cabdulle, Mohamed Zubeer, and he is Makahil Ogaden on his dad side, his father was a macalim in western extremes of Ogadeniya and married a fellow Ogaden lady in Fiiq,

Ogadens sell their camel milk as far as Nazareth/Adama deep inside Oromia and he was born in Hararaghe when it was a massive province that has been carved out of DDs, Harar, Oromia and even south Afar regions today, many Ogadens speak the language as we border them and pray in same masjids just the way you get some Boran and bantus in kenya who speak somali due to being bordered with Ogadens in Garissa or Wajir

I have met Ogadens who pray on the oromo side and come back home to the Ogaden side at night, same for oromo though Ogaden are more racist and keep them out compared to our Dir friends who marry them,

The men is pure Ogaden on both sides and he is an MP from Wardeer, lets not spread rumours, he is educated and has worked on various high roles for federal gov, he has a birth right to rule DDS

besides, DDS and federal constitutions both say only an Ogaden can become DDS president, if Allah has meant for him we shall see.
E-M5021 is the most rare lineage ever discovered amongst the Somalis and mankind in general. Wallahi this further proves that some of the Ogaden especially M Zubair are not Ogaden :russ: This lineage is a pre-historic dying breed only to be found sporadically in Greeks, Afghan, Ethiopians etc. It split from the Somali “E” 35,000 years ago :deadmanny:

@Removed you are not really versed in dna so I will take it easy on you. Just get 1 verified M Zubair to take big Y test.
I don't think that's correct. Literally every Somali who gets E-V32 descends from E-M5021. I got this subclade on 23andme.
Why do you believe everything you hear and the dude in this thread who randomly claimed this doesn't even have source.

His mother is Ugas Koshin, Ugas Xirsi, Reer Cabdulle, Mohamed Zubeer, and he is Makahil Ogaden on his dad side, his father was a macalim in western extremes of Ogadeniya and married a fellow Ogaden lady in Fiiq,

Ogadens sell their camel milk as far as Nazareth/Adama deep inside Oromia and he was born in Hararaghe when it was a massive province that has been carved out of DDs, Harar, Oromia and even south Afar regions today, many Ogadens speak the language as we border them and pray in same masjids just the way you get some Boran and bantus in kenya who speak somali due to being bordered with Ogadens in Garissa or Wajir

I have met Ogadens who pray on the oromo side and come back home to the Ogaden side at night, same for oromo though Ogaden are more racist and keep them out compared to our Dir friends who marry them,

The men is pure Ogaden on both sides and he is an MP from Wardeer, lets not spread rumours, he is educated and has worked on various high roles for federal gov, he has a birth right to rule DDS

besides, DDS and federal constitutions both say only an Ogaden can become DDS president, if Allah has meant for him we shall see.
Wait so no other Somali clan besides OG can become DDS president? Whys that the case. And not to be rude majority of the time when Somalis speak Oromo in that region is because they are mixed with Somali. Even when I went to the border region they could not speak Amharic or Oromo only those that were mixed with them spoke it.
Wait so no other Somali clan besides OG can become DDS president? Whys that the case. And not to be rude majority of the time when Somalis speak Oromo in that region is because they are mixed with Somali. Even when I went to the border region they could not speak Amharic or Oromo only those that were mixed with them spoke it.

Yep, and may it stay that way insha Allah

The British named the region Ogaden in 1884, they got he name from the Portuguese who called it that name in the late 1600s

in Ethiopia every federal ethnic region is to be ruled by the masters/owners/majority, this is per Ethiopian constitution, hence in ahmara region only ahmaar, in oromo only oromo, in DDS only Ogaden

Also Absame conquered the land, everyone else is refugee/guest - to us Absame everyone else is a mere guest refugee whop fled somalia

and only Absame has died for the land, we will allow the refugees to get the presidency when they die for the land like us,
Yep, and may it stay that way insha Allah

The British named the region Ogaden in 1884, they got he name from the Portuguese who called it that name in the late 1600s

in Ethiopia every federal ethnic region is to be ruled by the masters/owners/majority, this is per Ethiopian constitution, hence in ahmara region only ahmaar, in oromo only oromo, in DDS only Ogaden

Also Absame conquered the land, everyone else is refugee/guest - to us Absame everyone else is a mere guest refugee whop fled somalia

and only Absame has died for the land, we will allow the refugees to get the presidency when they die for the land like us,
Stop it buddy. You are just the biggest and best dabodhilif for xabashi and they trust you in that role since you’ve been good at it for so long. Here in the video below this OG sheekh talks about how you guys did quraan saar on a dying meles zenawi and begged Allah to keep him from hellfire for his crimes. You are the most loyal to them and they put you in charge as prison warden. Nothing to be proud of kid.
Yep, and may it stay that way insha Allah

The British named the region Ogaden in 1884, they got he name from the Portuguese who called it that name in the late 1600s

in Ethiopia every federal ethnic region is to be ruled by the masters/owners/majority, this is per Ethiopian constitution, hence in ahmara region only ahmaar, in oromo only oromo, in DDS only Ogaden

Also Absame conquered the land, everyone else is refugee/guest - to us Absame everyone else is a mere guest refugee whop fled somalia

and only Absame has died for the land, we will allow the refugees to get the presidency when they die for the land like us,
This sounds dumb asf. There’s other clans besides OG who have lived in that land for centuries. They should be able to rule too. Why can’t clans under Jidwaaq rule? And it’s not right to call Galbeed as Ogaden.

