Men's Rights Activists are the biggest losers in society!!

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
It started out as a legit movement of husbands and fathers who got absolutely destroyed by the family court system. These guys had a lot of legitimate concerns. But now it's mostly just young losers who want to hate on women.
Most of them are part of the #WhiteGenocide crowd and are openly racist against Africans and African Americans and Muslims in general. So nice of you to defend them.

I am an ally of conservatism and traditional values. Right now, the so-called alt-right is the most visible and influential movement that can restore a great deal of traditional values to society. It is regrettable that many losers and racialists have joined the movement and tried to make it about their aims, but you take the good with the bad. There are many traditional social conservatives who are not at all about that "#WhiteGenocide" and talk academically about the problems of cultural marxism and all of its derivatives, and how it will inevitably turn the white community (particularly in America) into the broken AA community.

It used be that the right was largely devoid of that rhetoric and was all about social conservative and traditional values, that is before it was hijacked by big-business conservative types who prioritized profit margins and the oligarchy at the expense of everything else.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Kulaha take the good with the bad :mjlol:

Jubba you hate Somalis more than you hate people who openly despise your existence?

Sxb who's the faraax that fucked your sister? Wallahi we'll find him and restore your honour. This hatred is too much it's stopping you from seeing straight. :pachah1:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
They have problem deciding if these migrants are acting like real men and not like feminized western males or if they're just savages, wallahi the mental gymnastics are hilarious.:cryinglaughsmiley:

However I imagine their minds are first set on removing kebab and then domesticating women.

Alt-Right and MRAs in a nutshell


@Mohamud Outside of the racial rhetoric, do you truly believe many Somalis fundamentally disagree with the values espoused by the neo-right? If they were suddenly drop all that rhetoric, you would find people in this very thread defending them and support their movement.

The same liberal policies and philosophies you naively support is why your community is in the shambles it is currently in your city. Those ideologies are the reason why your neighborhood is unsafe, gang life is rampant and thugs terrorizing local communities without recourse, and your community is broken. You are slowly transforming into the AA community, assuming you aren't already completely there yet. One can validly argue that my viewpoints will actually help Somalis in the long run, even if there are major setbacks initially.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
@Mohamud Outside of the racial rhetoric, do you truly believe many Somalis fundamentally disagree with the values espoused by the neo-right? If they were suddenly drop all that rhetoric, you would find people in this very thread defending them and support their movement.

The same liberal policies and philosophies you naively support is why your community is in the shambles it is currently in your city. Those ideologies are the reason why your neighborhood is unsafe, gang life is rampant and thugs terrorizing local communities without recourse, and your community is broken. You are slowly transforming into the AA community, assuming you aren't already completely there yet. One can validly argue that my viewpoints will actually help Somalis in the long run, even if there are major setbacks initially.

Lol. Liberal philosophy isn't too blame for the rampant problems in the Somali community. I live in Denmark and most people around me are hard core lefties and yet most Danes grow up in 2 parent household, low crime rate, highly educated etc. And they're still liberal about sex and homosexuality and Atheism etc.

Danish culture is just better than Somali culture.
Lol. Liberal philosophy isn't too blame for the rampant problems in the Somali community. I live in Denmark and most people around me are hard core lefties and yet most Danes grow up in 2 parent household, low crime rate, highly educated etc. And they're still liberal about sex and homosexuality and Atheism etc.

Danish culture is just better than Somali culture.

The data doesn't support your anecdotal experience.

Denmark's Divorce Express

There's no stigma: Why so many Danish women are opting to become single mothers

Not to mention this was the country that flirts with bestiality. :hova:

Give it time. The full extent of these policies and philosophies they have recently adopted (few decades) still haven't taken their full effect. Once all that oil revenue runs out, and the government can no longer pay out these generous handouts to all the elderly and single-mothers due to a lack of young and productive tax-base, the welfare joyride will quickly come crashing down. I just hope you aren't there by the time the s**t hits the fan, because the incoming government that will be left with fixing that disaster predictably won't be so kind to minorities and immigrants. :kanyeshrug:
Princeton University and the left-of-center Brookings Institution released a study that reported "most scholars now agree that children raised by two biological parents in a stable marriage do better than children in other family forms across a wide range of outcomes." Why this is so is still hotly contested.

Another study, co-authored by Wilcox, found that states with more married parents do better on a broad range of economic indicators, including upward mobility for poor children and lower rates of child poverty. On most economic indicators, the Washington Post summarized, "the share of parents who are married in a state is a better predictor of that state's economic health than the racial composition and educational attainment of the state's residents."

Boys in particular do much better when raised in a more traditional family environment, according to a new report from MIT. This is further corroboration of Daniel Patrick Moynihan's famous 1965 warning: "From the wild Irish slums of the 19th century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows a large number of men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos."


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
'''Boys in particular do much better when raised in a more traditional family environment, according to a new report from MIT. This is further corroboration of Daniel Patrick Moynihan's famous 1965 warning: "From the wild Irish slums of the 19th century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows a large number of men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos."

:ohhh: This used to be common sense ya know. Too bad marriage, family unit, pro-creation is hated by western feminists.
'''Boys in particular do much better when raised in a more traditional family environment, according to a new report from MIT. This is further corroboration of Daniel Patrick Moynihan's famous 1965 warning: "From the wild Irish slums of the 19th century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows a large number of men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos."

:ohhh: This used to be common sense ya know. Too bad marriage, family unit, pro-creation is hated by western feminists.

Nothing but facts here. But we're the hateful misogynists and uncle toms. Truly a shame.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Don't get me wrong tho i support Somali womens rights i just don't support western form of feminism. I want the other half of our population to be actively involved in every sector of our society.

We have left our women resources laying waste for too long. We have stunted the spiritual and material growth of our women and relegated them to the background. especially in the field of politics.

I am not here suggesting that women should compete with men, as is the case the West, nor am i suggesting that women should abandon their God-given role of raising children.

Rather in complementing men Somali women must be allowed to realize their full human potentials, they must be particularly developed, just as we do with men, to be able to contribute fully to the development of their community.
I'm surprised by some of the replies in this thread. You can't be against feminism on the one hand and then totally lambaste and ridicule MRA's and the Redpill/Manosphere on the other. And so what if there's much overlap between the Alt-right and MRA's/Redpill/Manosphere, that's to be expected. If I was cadaan I would be part of the Alt-right too. Though I may be aligned to segments of the Alt-Right ideologically, politically expediency leaves me little choice but to support liberal/PC culture until Somaliland/Somalia becomes a real and permanent home for our diaspora.
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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
I am an ally of conservatism and traditional values. Right now, the so-called alt-right is the most visible and influential movement that can restore a great deal of traditional values to society. It is regrettable that many losers and racialists have joined the movement and tried to make it about their aims, but you take the good with the bad. There are many traditional social conservatives who are not at all about that "#WhiteGenocide" and talk academically about the problems of cultural marxism and all of its derivatives, and how it will inevitably turn the white community (particularly in America) into the broken AA community.

It used be that the right was largely devoid of that rhetoric and was all about social conservative and traditional values, that is before it was hijacked by big-business conservative types who prioritized profit margins and the oligarchy at the expense of everything else.
Why would you as an ethnic minority want to restore traditional values back into the countries that enslaved your people?

I understand if you said that for your country of origin, but as for me personally, I am a total left wing liberal in the West.
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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I'm surprised by some of the replies in this thread. You can't be against feminism on the one hand and then totally lambaste and ridicule MRA's and the Redpill/Manosphere on the other. And so what if there's much overlap between the Alt-right and MRA's/Redpill/Manosphere, that's to be expected. If I was cadaan I would be part of the Alt-right too. Though I may be aligned to segments of the Alt-Right ideologically, politically expediency leaves me little choice but to support liberal/PC culture until Somaliland/Somalia becomes a real and permanent home for our diaspora.

So you admitted that liberals are more open minded and tolerant but in an ideal world you'd be an Alt-Right bigot?
So you admitted that liberals are more open minded and tolerant but in an ideal world you'd be an Alt-Right bigot?

I'm pro liberal policies/multiculturalism/PC culture cuz that's what will benefit me and my community the most while in the West. As for my personal beliefs I'm a socially conservative nationalist, but my politics belong in Somalia and not in Canada.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Watch this documentary by Reggie Yates called "Extreme UK - Men at war". It was through here I found out there was a thing/group called MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way).

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