Recording debunked traditions from the refuge and exiled Cadcads doesn't prove anything. You're again using opinions.
These are authentic sources. Arabs did not found or rule shit, they got permission from the Somalis to settle in Mogadishu. They paid tribute to the local Somali rulers to stay and Somalis retained their political dominance and stayed as the majority in Mogadishu. This source debunks the traditions made by west Asians.
Here is the link: the traditions muslim immigrants founded benadir&f=false
You're still refusing these sources. This medieval scholar who visited Mogadishu in the medieval times himself clearly states that Mogadishu was neither Arab or Persian enclave but largely a Somali town. Why do you always reject every source I throw at you?
You really should read your links before you post them.
Page 252:
You see any Samaale ships?
Nobody is saying there weren't locals. They just weren't allowed within the city walls after dark. 1624 is when the Yaquub Abgaal get access to Mog and begin marrying into the merchant families. It was a tight enclave before that.