i actually hope somalia has no oil, it will be raped by all nations if they find out and we are not stable enough, maybe if we were like a stable nation,
every heard of the resource curse, look at congo, so many nations screw them up, it has cobalt, the main source on earth, a rare earth mineral, used in phones, satellites, laptops, etc and even cars, the Chinese have the other half and can refuse at will as they have nukes, but Congo gets raped, because of it,
we are not ready, besides, japan is rich and has no oil, Switzerland, Singapore, germany, france, etc,
we dont need oil, what we need are stable gov, institutions, , rule of law and a race that is united,
singapore waa 5 million, a third size of london, and yet has a bigger economy than egypt, kenya, ethiopia, somalia, uganda and tanziania combned,
what do they make? banking and world leader in raw pharma stock, the stuff they use to make medicine, yet in 1970 it was poorer than Ethiopia and egypt and kenya, today waa masters of an economic engine,
switzerland, only 8 million, landlocked yet richer than all east africa and north african nations combined,
ethiopia GDP 70 billion dollars, switzerland waa 700 billion dollars, tiny country and ha sbeen per capita richer than most nations on earth, non EU by the way, they just avoid wars and love trade, thats it,
a landlocked western nation has the biggest chocolate industry yet doesn't grow cocoa beans? because they buy it from stupid Africans and sell it,
nestle took water the cheapest thing on earth and turned it into multi billion dollar industry, water, bottled water, they are from switzerland,
thats what we need, manufacturing, trade, rule of law, not dreaming about oil when our girls cannot buy tampons
first lets make the tampons, then we can dream,