Mohamud SOO GAL waxyaho inkaaran

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Your superior
Are you going to refer to me as queer from now on because that is what homosexuals use amongst each other since you are known as the biggest homosexual on this site. Just remember I am not bound by those terms since I am not one of your own.

Thankfully I am just known as the "new user".

Now you are crying because I tagged you.

Listen homo. Stop trying to get my attention.


Are you going to refer to me as queer from now on because that is what homosexuals use amongst each other since you are known as the biggest homosexual on this site. Just remember I am not bound by those terms since I am not one of your own.

Thankfully I am just known as the "new user".

Now you are crying because I tagged you.
So you are telling me that @waraabe has been calling you gay for quoting him and you are now on the verg on not quoting people at all? :cosbyhmm:
I have only seen one fella here with this problem and im not looking for another one:kanyehmm:
So i will help you out:mjpls:
@Coolorte have you read this thread yet sxb?

@waraabe sorry but i had to :damn:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I noticed it too but felt awkward about calling him out or not who knows he could just be mentally handicapped:manny:



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I though it was really weird, but I didn't think much of it. :kanyeshrug:

it really isn't that weird. in a forum i am on the actual quoting of the post was super dark and highlighted really different from the post it is being quoted by. so basically you see a post, and then it quoted directly underneath in a completely different format except for maybe the emote. shit looks mad weird, and then you start wondering "why am i quoting something directly above me? they will know by the flow of discussion".

this was on vbulletins so it was before xenforo and you don't actually get notifications for quoted posts and mentioning isn't a thing so there isn't really a need to quote shit unless you actually want to break up the post you're responding to or the post is a few pages back and you want that person to know what specific post you're talking about. oh and quoting legit took you to a new page, it didn't load on the same exact page so that was another reason not to do it.

issue is i still frequent that forum and even though it has updated to xenforo (or whatever it's called) the same rules apply so i gotta like remind myself that this shit don't fly anywhere else. we just don't quote shit that's literally right on top of our post, the assumption is you're talking directly to the person above you. :manny:
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