Most Famous Somali Sheikh is in Hot Water again against Somali Female Politician


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Doesn’t change anything. I’m still attacked by little emotionally driven boys with low intellect.

You dont understand my point. You need to understand the whole system is haram, parliaments is haram, making your own laws is haram, defining what is punishable that is not based on quran and sunnah is haram. This disgusting woman is paid by ngos. She wants gay sex in our country, she wants our fertility rate below 2.1, she wants fornication to be the norm. None of these mps have any formal education of fiqh, why should they even come of with these ridiculous bills. Just say I am an blm xalimo, I love gay sex, I love fornication, I hate Islam, Islam is patriarchal and as a feminist misandrist Islam goes against my core values. Also I didnt read your detailed post couldn't find it.
That has nothing to do with the discussion. Not once did I say that LGTB or Zina is acceptable. Not once, nor did I say that or imply that in any of my posts.

This is why I think you’re irrational. You can clearly see that I oppose anything that goes against the deen, yet you accuse me.I made it clear in two posts and you refuse to read and still accuse me of that? Is that normal or sane behavior?
You dont understand my point. You need to understand the whole system is haram, parliaments is haram, making your own laws is haram, defining what is punishable that is not based on quran and sunnah is haram. This disgusting woman is paid by ngos. She wants gay sex in our country, she wants our fertility rate below 2.1, she wants fornication to be the norm. None of these mps have any formal education of fiqh, why should they even come of with these ridiculous bills. Just say I am an blm xalimo, I love gay sex, I love fornication, I hate Islam, Islam is patriarchal and as a feminist misandrist Islam goes against my core values. Also I didnt read your detailed post couldn't find it.
I get your passion brother but honestly Angelina is being reasonable. Your passion should be directed to those murtad XSomalis.
Women must respect the sanctity of marriage. If she denies her husband the right to her body, then he has every right to fufill his desires. That is the islamic law.

Personally speaking, I’d find reason with my wife as she is under my protection and i would never do such a thing to force myself onto her and potentially harm our connection as husband and wife.


If a wife says no, her husband cannot force himself upon her body. Where did you get this from?

Look here, how about you read all my post before subjecting me to your half witted rants?
Lol didnt even have to read, I know your points already. None of the mps have any formal education about Islam, how would they now what they write in a bill goes against the deen or not, if all they barely know is some few chapters by memory from dugsi?

"Re-creating another bill that is the same minus what I mentioned above will have a more positive reception."

They shouldn't even be in the government to begin with is my point, they shouldn't make bills, they are incompetent money s. You still dont understand and what do you mean by positice reception? Positive reception by who? No one is Somalia is barely follows what the government is even doing let alone the content of a bill. You still understand nada.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
That has nothing to do with the discussion. Not once did I say that LGTB or Zina is acceptable. Not once, nor did I say that or imply that in any of my posts.

This is why I think you’re irrational. You can clearly see that I oppose anything that goes against the deen, yet you accuse me.I made it clear in two posts and you refuse to read and still accuse me of that? Is that normal or sane behavior?

Long live Dhulbahante
I get your passion brother but honestly Angelina is being reasonable. Your passion should be directed to those murtad XSomalis.
How do you get the passion of an individual who lies and twists the words of a fellow Muslim and refuses to read when I tagged him on my posts disagreeing?

that isn’t passion it’s excessive emotions and inability to control one’s self.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
Shiekhs with no significant education calling the shots for a whole country, backwards logic. No wonder we are where we at, i can dye my beard red and put on a throbe and they'll listen to me more than politicians
I get your passion brother but honestly Angelina is being reasonable. Your passion should be directed to those murtad XSomalis.
My point is no MP without a formal and thorough education on Islamic fiqh should be in the parliament, no women should be in the parliament. The whole system is haram. How can someone with dugsi level understanding of Islam know wether the bill they enact and introduce goes against our faith? How? Also many of these bills have loopholes or too abstract and less specific for people to get punished for things that are truly haram. Also these bills are funded, they are lobbied by western countries and ngos, doesnt this raise red flags?
Lol didnt even have to read, I know your points already. None of the mps have any formal education about Islam, how would they now what they write in a bill goes against the deen or not, if all they barely know is some few chapters by memory from dugsi?
I made a point about the government working with the Sheikhs who do, yet you ignored that. You don’t listen or read and you simply want to bark. You’ve proved my point.
"Re-creating another bill that is the same minus what I mentioned above will have a more positive reception."

They shouldn't even be in the government to begin with is my point, they shouldn't make bills, they are incompetent money s.
You know nothing of the Sharia and it shows. There is nothing with the a government making rules that don’t contradict Islamic values.

If you have issues with not having a Khalifa and the whole system, that is much deeper than Somalia as in the 21st century, you don’t have that in any Islamic country and right now that isn’t the point of the discussion.
You still dont understand and what do you mean by positice reception? Positive reception by who? No one is Somalia is barely follows what the government is even doing let alone the content of a bill. You still understand nada.
Yes, it will be positive for young women. Right now, men are getting away with rape due to qabil and the qabil pays the diyya and the men walk freely. This is about protecting citizens.

I get that you’re passionate about LGTB creeping into Somali society, but you should also be equally passionate about the abuse of women and children.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Jared Abdullah maa Kuus baah?



No one is arguing that. Weaponizing intimacy for both genders is haram, but the next question is it allowed to sexually abuse just because the other party doesn’t want to sleep with you? That is the crux of the discussion.

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It’s not personally speaking, this should be the case for every man and anyone who does is an abuser point blank. They’re also dumb as well, screaming my ‘rights’ with regards something
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A wife who flat out refuses to have sex with you is a failed marriage. If it ever reaches a point where they absolutely refuse to have intercourse with you and fail to give a solid reason on why, the best thing to do is to divorce and seperate as that marriage can no longer be called a marriage.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
A wife who flat out refuses to have sex with you is a failed marriage. If it ever reaches a point where they absolutely refuse to have intercourse with you and fail to give a solid reason on why, the best thing to do is to divorce and seperate as that marriage can no longer be called a marriage.

What if the wife said-- i am mad at u now- therefore i have a right to refuse u sex for 2 months?
A wife who flat out refuses to have sex with you is a failed marriage. If it ever reaches a point where they absolutely refuse to have intercourse with you and fail to give a solid reason, the best thing to do is to divorce and seperate as that marriage can no longer be called a marriage.

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My point is no MP without a formal and thorough education on Islamic fiqh should be in the parliament, no women should be in the parliament. The whole system is haram. How can someone with dugsi level understanding of Islam know wether the bill they enact and introduce goes against our faith? How? Also many of these bills have loopholes or too abstract and less specific for people to get punished for things that are truly haram. Also these bills are funded, they are lobbied by western countries and ngos, doesnt this raise red flags?
Your suspicion is justified but I still don't agree with martial rape.
Somalia is a conservative Muslim society. Any whiff of Zina and LGTB acceptance will be rejected by the masses. Re-creating another bill that is the same minus what I mentioned above will have a more positive reception. Yes, since Somalia is a very patriarchal society, many will still try and find faults, but at least then she could argue that it doesn’t contradict Islamic norms.
Nothing in the bill mentions gay people though. They're lying and making her an even bigger target for terrorist groups. They already have an issue with female politicians
I made a point about the government working with the Sheikhs who do, yet you ignored that. You don’t listen or read and you simply want to bark. You’ve proved my point.

You know nothing of the Sharia and it shows. There is nothing with the a government making rules that don’t contradict Islamic values.

If you have issues with not having a Khalifa and the whole system, that is much deeper than Somalia as in the 21st century, you don’t have that in any Islamic country and right now that isn’t the point of the discussion.

Yes, it will be positive for young women. Right now, men are getting away with rape due to qabil and the qabil pays the diyya and the men walk freely. This is about protecting citizens.

I get that you’re passionate about LGTB creeping into Somali society, but you should also be equally passionate about the abuse of women and children.
Yes I have an issue that Somalia is not a caliphate, and our country is not run with sharia. Our country will not function with man made laws and system. As Muslims we have an established system. You said no country has implemented sharia. This is wrong too, Saudi Arabia has implemented Sharia, in fact Saudi Arabia is the best Islamic kingdom for the last 1000 years since the Umayyad Caliphate. Ottomans doesn't even come close to the merits of Saudi Arabia. I want Somalia to model itself after Saudi Arabia but with an Caliph. The ruling with who to be a caliph is to be a quraishi, if the person from quraish is competent, if any somali is more competent then he is in favor of being caliph. Basically a meritocracy. I am just saying that Somalia is bound to fail. Here is a compilation of qoutes by the Salaf and some ahadith to reflect upon let see who is more aligned with Islam.

Being a member of parliament is definitely a position of power, you introduce, enact bills and vote for or against a bill introduced by the president. So according to this hadith no nation will succeed with a woman as a ruler.

According to Umar Ibn Khattab a Radiyallahu Anhu Allah will disgrace anyone who seeks honor in anything besides that which Allah has honoured the Muslims with and we are doing that with our 4.5 federal parliamentary system, and we clearly being disgraced with widespread corruption, incompetence, lack of oversight, this is why Shabaab can infiltrate the most vulnerable and most heavily guarded areas in Somalia.

We again not doing this, we neither following the quran, the sunnah or the salaf in their methodology, so we will not be rectified by Allah. I have clearly substantiated that either we abide by Islam and its teachings or we cease to exist. You said no government have shariah, how does it work for most Muslim countries? They poor, corrupt, anarchism is rapant. Look at bangladesh a 85% Muslim country has child prostitution. Look at Syria, Lebanon, Morroco is the Phillipines of Africa were gaalo go for sex tourism. Libya, Tunisia, Iraq. Only countries who implement Shariah are successful, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Indonesia just made fornication illegal for both citizens and tourist and their economy is booming. Not being arrogant but you dont have 1% of the knowledge, comprehension skills, critical thinking that I have and I am a very humble person who admit that I have to learn much and that I am nothing but a layman. You can also call me an incel too, but just know I believe smart women exist like my favorite woman Aisha Radiyallahu Anha our mother. She was just the tender age of 15 when the Nabi ﷺ asked her opinion with regards to the Hudaibiyah war treaty.


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