Muh Ancestor

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Pepe Trump
I looked up the definition of Autochthonous and apparently it means to "Be indigenous to a place, native."
These bastards claimed Abkhazia and the Queen's Guard in one go :mjlol:
Is no land safe from them? :pachah1:

You have no idea... :mjkkk:

West Africa had a pretty cool history overall, I don't know why they aren't researching their own history instead of claiming Shakespeare was black or some other balaayo :manny:
Maybe it's because of the claims that Africa as a continent had no history or civilisation, so they latch onto the one African civilisation that is admired and praised by the Europeans

Ancient Egypt is one of my favorite civilisations but even I know it's vastly overrated. The Mesopotamians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Indians have been more influential.
maybe this ? top left is nubian, top right is lower eyptain , bottom left is upper eyptian, bottom right is libyan. Upper eyptian being orginal eyptian , and lower eyptian being the mixed with arab, greek , assyrian and what ever conquered them

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