Muqdisho residents should stop.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Theirs more goats and sheep's than humans in that entire region, if they move the capital to xaafun, best believe the goats will over run the government and take the capital within 24hrs.

And also the wild dogs will terrorize the residents there, along with the occasional cyclones that will rearrange every dusty tuulo furnitures every 2months

I bet your family are not even from Muqdisho but from a small tuulo, don't let the civil war gas you up. You're a product of milk selling reer badiyo and a house maid. The dusty ass tuulo you crawled out of in 1991 can't even compete with Hafun. Sit down!!!


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Looks like someone is describing themselves before 1991:mjlol:
Sounds like you need to stop stalking me . An MJ, as milk seller? And a house maid? Looooool do unicorns exist?

In the meantime, you need to hop off my mentions!

Ignored and booted. Bye hoe!

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
Sounds like you need to stop stalking me . An MJ, as milk seller? And a house maid? Looooool do unicorns exist?

In the meantime, you need to hop off my mentions!

Ignored and booted. Bye hoe!
You came from dusty ass tuulos like garowe to sell milk and work as maids kulaha MJ gaajo foqol gaajo.
And no, I’m not stalking anyone this is a public forum and a thread anyone can comment on and if I were to stalk someone, you would the last person I would stalk.


Sounds like you need to stop stalking me . An MJ, as milk seller? And a house maid? Looooool do unicorns exist?

In the meantime, you need to hop off my mentions!

Ignored and booted. Bye hoe!
What's wrong with selling milk or working as a house maid?

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
I see you havent read the MJ Code of Employment 2003 Revision Act 2 Paragraph 8

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
I don’t know who that is nor do I care but I found that funny and since we are talking mj maids I thought I should post that. Plus I thought you said “blocked and booted”:icon lol:
They betray our intelligence when they tell us Daroods to come. Nigga we ain't falling for that shit again.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary

There are loads of daroods and people from all clans in Xamar. Idk why people on this forum pretend to be spokespeople for clans.
He means as a % of the total population. Theres probably more daroods in hargeisa which only has population of 500,000


He means as a % of the total population. Theres probably more daroods in hargeisa which only has population of 500,000
Ironically your folk tend to work and live in North West hargeisa
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