Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You are mistakenly ignorant on this subject, Oromo assimilated Somali in mass especially those that remained west of Harar, Dir are the oldest and furthest spread so got separated especially the Madaxweyne Dir, its funny you mention HA who have assimilated Jarso whom you claim are Oromos, your whole clan are made up of lost Dir :sass2:
Gadabuursi/Samaroon did not assimilate. They were the ones that historically eliminated the Gallas in the North. Without us they would be shaking their shoulders like an elliptic. As for Awdal. That is our business not theirs. I say ignore these largely xasiid individuals that are out of touch with reality. Who protect British made boundaries with their lives. It's for the best.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
You are mistakenly ignorant on this subject, Oromo assimilated Somali in mass especially those that remained west of Harar, Dir are the oldest and furthest spread so got separated especially the Madaxweyne Dir, its funny you mention HA who have assimilated Jarso whom you claim are Oromos, your whole clan are made up of lost Dir :sass2:
And anytime this happens too it’s always Somali’s taking Oromo concubines and not the other way around. This tradition has kept dir from assimilating, if anything Oromo will claim Somali in the future.


Gadabuursi/Samaroon did not assimilate. They were the ones that historically eliminated the Gallas in the North. Without us they would be shaking their shoulders like an elliptic. As for Awdal. That is our business not theirs. I say ignore these largely xasiid individuals that are out of touch with reality. Who protect British made boundaries with their lives. It's for the best.

Borders are good.

Somalis only believe in borders when they are on the back foot and other countries are looking in. Otherwise they belive in ethnic sovereignty over borders which makes them hypocrites.

Somalilander's should at least earn respect for consistency in their point of view.

And then there's the meaningless distinction between british borders and other types of borders. All African borders are colonial era.

There's much to say on this topic but this forum has a particular belief system which is elevated to the level of unimpeachable reality when in truth it's just a set of beliefs as arbitrary as any other. The echo chamber contributes to the impression that is the only way things should and could be.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Borders are good.

Somalis only believe in borders when they are on the back foot and other countries are looking in. Otherwise they belive in ethnic sovereignty over borders which makes them hypocrites.

Somalilander's should at least earn respect for consistency in their point of view.

And then there's the meaningless distinction between british borders and other types of borders. All African borders are colonial era.
When most of our population is in Somali Galbeed which is a contiguous zone extending further West then it doesn't make much sense. The same could be said for the Northern Harti. Not much of a plus for them quite the opposite knowing the latent hostility toward them by the SL admin well before 2023. What you are saying sounds more like Aabo Engriiska logic. It doesn't help Somalis as a whole. Especially those in the far NW or NE.


When most of our population is in Somali Galbeed which is a contiguous zone extending further West then it doesn't make much sense. The same could be said for the Northern Harti. Not much of a plus for them quite the opposite knowing the latent hostility toward them by the SL admin well before 2023. What you are saying sounds more like Aabo Engriiska logic. It doesn't help Somalis as a whole. Especially those in the far NW or NE.

You are thinking in terms of an ethnicity. Many ethnicities are spread across multiple countries. Somalis were the only ones to reject the colonial settlement out of all Africans. Everyone else got on with their business and almost all more succesful for it. Somalia ended up in a war with a much larger country and lost it's state and has been reeling ever since. Even the two Somali states that joined together the majority of one of those states wishes to secede. Then with the Southern part you have two warring groups who can't decide on a structure for their government.

Better for warring tribes to stay apart from eachohter as much as possible. Two people in a room who can get along is more productive than 10 who are fighting eachother the whole time to a standstill which is the political reality in southern Somalia.
You are thinking in terms of an ethnicity. Many ethnicities are spread across multiple countries. Somalis were the only ones to reject the colonial settlement out of all Africans. Everyone else got on with their business and almost all more succesful for it. Somalia ended up in a war with a much larger country and lost it's state and has been reeling ever since. Even the two Somali states that joined together the majority of one of those states wishes to secede. Then with the Southern part you have two warring groups who can't decide on a structure for their government.

Better for warring tribes to stay apart from eachohter as much as possible. Two people in a room who can get along is more productive than 10 who are fighting eachother the whole time to a standstill which is the political reality in southern Somalia.
We are not merely an 'ethnicity' we are a nation warya stop with this Aabo Ingriis BS.
I think we passed the Oromo phase.
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The Ethiopian government has acknowledged that it has not taken measures to enforce the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) it signed with the breakaway region of Somaliland, following mounting pressure from the international community.

According to diplomatic sources, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government informed Western diplomats in Addis Ababa of its commitment to respect the territorial integrity and political unity of the Federal Republic of Somalia in accordance with the African Union Charter and international law.

Ethiopia has told the diplomats that it never promised to grant diplomatic recognition to the Somaliland administration, as part of the deal.

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Wallahi biggest L on earth :mjlol: :russ::mindblown:
Bixi bent over for them (signed the deal) in return they promised to come inside, (recognition) after finishing, they told bixi that they never really promised to come inside now bixi is sad he didn’t get a good cream pie I wouldn’t call this an L idk what to call it.
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