Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
They hade a golden opportunity in the 90s, after things went to shit in the south they could've moved the capital to Hargeisa and cemented themselves as the premier power in Somalia by having RX and Dir at their side while playing off Hawiye and Darood against eachother as neither trusted one another. Though I do think you underestimate how craven the warlords were, they wouldn't do it out of nationalism, they wouldn't do it because in the event one of them succeeded in winning the Civil War they wouldn't want to have ethiopian troops within Somali borders.
Too busy having inter isaaq civil wars to think of a strat like that. SL wasn't really a thing until 2001

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Wtf do SL get out of it? Ethiopia gets a port and had military presence there. This is a pitiful state to be in. Selling yourself to Ethiopia for what, the vague promise of recognition?

Somali politics will be the death of me.
Signatories get a khat discount the good stuff from Harar


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Bro ur not even Muslim and u supporting AS😭
This news made me realize Islam is the truth because only the devil himself can be responsible for this clusterfuck of a situation. May Allah continue to curse this 68 IQ nation until the mahdi arrives

Garaad Awal

Former African
Sounds like good news. Ethiopia & SL are brothers. We will prosper together and create a special relationship. If any Somalian terrorists like PL or clan militias from Eastern Sool try any funny business. We will destroy them with their help and the help of the UAE. We will ask them to drone strike East Sool military targets inshallah


Adeero Biixi has triggered all the Jabarti and the unknown Southerners who barely know. One moment they wish for all of us to be massacred and next second they pretend to be concerned for a historical and strategical port that has nothing to do with them.

Keep crying, Reer SL give zero fucks about you and keep your Somalinimo up your ass.The guys that invite Ethiopians (like in 2006) or Kenyans and Amisom are now mascerading as Somali nationalists.Delusional fucks
You're a degenerate and a retard. There is no gaining ictiraaf if you don't have a monopoly on violence on your borders, this is the most basic thing in the world. Nobody wants another South Sudan, so Somaliland won't gain it, very fucking simple.

Civil war factions are ephemeral, what is a reality, and will be a reality if this goes through is that until 2074 you gave land to a previously landlocked Christian Ethiopia because you couldn't accept the fact you lost a clan war to Dhulbahante despite having port revenue.
I thought the ICJ sided with us over our maritime dispute with Kenya?
They mainly sided with us. But they believed Kenya's argument that if the sea is not shared there will be war.

So we lost about 15% of our ocean.
All because of a MOU done by Abdishakur and Sheikh Sharif.
This is Muse Jahil's desperate attempt at political survival. Muse Bihi has lost legitimacy amongst his own people and is trying to clinge onto power. May Allah protect Somalia. Ethiopia will face severe consequences for its actions.
This news made me realize Islam is the truth because only the devil himself can be responsible for this clusterfuck of a situation. May Allah continue to curse this 68 IQ nation until the mahdi arrives
theses ciyaal diaspora dont know the reality of these politicians, when your country enters a civil war there must be 2 forces... a force seeking to reunify the homeland and restore the state and the other or others being plagued with foreign poison that seeks to break and faulter the nation but hides behind the notion of restoring the homeland.

The somali case is funny as the earlier force doesnt exist and we have too many of the later force... we are quite screwed and any lost land , sea basin is just a reality of our people that we will keep facing.

I predict 1/4 of galbeed that exists now will be lost in the coming decades and Ethiopia will somehow land a port. They may not land this one but they will land one in the end.

Until a force that seeks the reunity of the homeland regardless of clan we should just bear the consequences.... stop relying on "that qabiil x wont allow any xabash to get a port" or "the fgs will stop this deal through court orders" none of that shit will matter in the end just one global major distraction happening will cause all our foreign handlers to ignore us and who will protect you then?

The ICU was the closes to the first force that we had tho they were khaarij in nature they wuld have mellowed in the end. Qabiil unchecked and with many foreign fingers is an utterly hopeless situation to put a country in.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
This is what happens when you have a weak president. The wolves around you see you as prey. Hassan sheikh in his latest meeting gave Bihi a seat with head of states.

the implication here is that he’s of the same standing, when he’s actually not. His portrayal is that of a president, when he’s actually weaker than deni in influence. So HSM committed treason first by going to Djibouti to meet this bum, when he could’ve frozen all money to hargeisa and forced Bihi to come to mogadishu .


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I'm patiently rating for Reer Shabaab to drop a press release on this situation after what they had to say about Ethiopia a few months back.


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