Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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Congratulations to Somaliland. I am now seeing Ethiopians already saying that the sea we gave them is their homeland. Well fucking done. We'll never be able to get rid of them now. And for what? You had 30 years of sovereignty and you did jack shit.


We shouldn't give our port to our enemy l, as a lander myself am truly disappointed in Musa decision. Inshallah when Somalia becomes stable and powerful we revoke this partnership.
Once they build the base the only way to kick them out is war, I hope the people of Somaliland can see how this is a stupid idea
I’m picking al shabab over somaliland
At least al shabab have some pride when it comes against Ethiopians
al kabab is a CIA and Qatari state security bribed battalion of the ICU that broke off (2006) and was told to ensure not a single ounce of somali statehood ever arises. Many noble talented somali nationalists were axed by these dogs AUN
Adeero Biixi has triggered all the Jabarti and the unknown Southerners who barely know. One moment they wish for all of us to be massacred and next second they pretend to be concerned for a historical and strategical port that has nothing to do with them.

Keep crying, Reer SL give zero fucks about you and keep your Somalinimo up your ass.The guys that invite Ethiopians (like in 2006) or Kenyans and Amisom are now mascerading as Somali nationalists.Delusional fucks
You don't realise it yet but you've signed you're own death warrant. Hargeisa will be majority Oromo by 2050. To ensure you don't renege on the deal and to indefinitely secure access to the sea Ethiopia will change the situation on the ground step by step. Ethiopia is acting strategically while your still in a clan competition mindset.

- 1st they'll add patrols along the 20km base and ask for a larger presence.

- Then they'll claim any resources within the EEZ of the base. The UAE will facilitate constuction of offshore gas. Profits are divided between Ethiopia and UAE.

- Then they'll ask for a secure land link for supply, to ensure this ENDF will conduct regular patrols along the land supply route.

- Sattelite imagery shows that the Ethiopians have expanded the base by a further 15km.

- Then they'll get involved with local decision making and ask you to loosen travel restrictions between Ethiopia and Somaliland to allow for the express travel of naval and security personnel + staff and families.

- Next they'll pressure the gov to stop persucuting and deporting Oromo and Habesha within Somaliland, and with ENDF all over the place the gov won't challenge this. Cases of ENDF physically challenging deportations become common.

- The border between Ethiopia and Somaliland becomes a suggestion and travel from Ethiopia to Somaliland is promoted.

- The new locals (Oromo, Habesha) claim to be natives that were expelled by Somali invaders thousands of years ago. Amharic signs and churches become common.

- Villages along the supply route are gradually demolished, Ethiopia says this is required to maintain integrity of the land route.

- Gradually Somalis will be marganilsed politically and millitarily over decades inevitably leading to targeted killings, masscres and mass government displacement.

- The final step: Somaliland hosts a referendum and votes to join Ethiopia by a massive majority.

You can criticise the federal government all you like but they've never permenantly given away such a large amount of land to our most populous neighbour and historical rival. The Kenyans and Ugandans have no strategic interest in settling Somalia and are leaving as we speak.

The only good thing about this situation is that such a large scale case of ethnic cleansing and land theft might re- awaken the Somali identity and put our people into survival mode.
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Currently Ethiopia pays about 1.6 billion in port fees annualy. If they build their own or exclusively use Berbera port rest of Somalia and Djibouti will be in trouble. If they threaten to cut us off who will stand in their way. I also think somali patriotism after last 30 years is at all time low the number of Kenyan and Ethiopian bracelet I see is to high many under K5 and NFD happy where they are and look down on life on mainland Somalia due to lack of governance and development. We are at all time low and did it to ourselves


inserting my shameless qabiilist statement. comrade siad has been vindicated. :rejoice:


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Adeero Biixi has triggered all the Jabarti and the unknown Southerners who barely know. One moment they wish for all of us to be massacred and next second they pretend to be concerned for a historical and strategical port that has nothing to do with them.

Keep crying, Reer SL give zero fucks about you and keep your Somalinimo up your ass.The guys that invite Ethiopians (like in 2006) or Kenyans and Amisom are now mascerading as Somali nationalists.Delusional fucks

  • War Darood ku fuul kaama dago, daayin abidkaaye
  • Intaad dunida nooshahay anunbaa, duudka kaa rarane
  • Dacay adag waxaan kuugu xidhay, daalinbaad tahaye
  • Haddaan dabarka kaa furi lahayn, amaanu kaa dayno
  • Duunyadii waraabuhu cuniyo, daayacbaad noqone
  • Dalanbaabiyahow meel xunbaad, dubuq tidhaahdaane
  • Nin Amxaaro Daafida u karin, amase Doofaarka
  • Dabeecuu u leeyahay Isaaq, gaalo daba jooge
  • Dillaal iyo hunguri waa wixii, dilay awowgoode
  • Dalkay gadan lahaayeen haddaan, laga deyrayne
  • Bal inaan danbaabiyo inaan, run idin deeqsiiyey
  • Darwiishkiiba waa kii lahaa, duulku waa nacabe
  • Aniguna dugaag inay yihiin, waan kasoo digaye
  • Diiwaanka waxa loogu dhigay, Dabacayuun eega
Jabarti Ismaaciil have been cursed with having to keep you laangaabs from doing what you just did. Cumar Fakad (aun) knew what you were 40 years ago.

Garaad Awal

Former African
You're a degenerate and a retard. There is no gaining ictiraaf if you don't have a monopoly on violence on your borders, this is the most basic thing in the world. Nobody wants another South Sudan, so Somaliland won't gain it, very fucking simple.

Civil war factions are ephemeral, what is a reality, and will be a reality if this goes through is that until 2074 you gave land to a previously landlocked Christian Ethiopia because you couldn't accept the fact you lost a clan war to Dhulbahante despite having port revenue.
Don’t care what you think bud, we will do as we wish
lets be real here- culusow is 100 percent behind this. the tomorrow so called Parliament meeting is nothing but a fake appeasement to act like culusow is against it.

1) culusow won't kick out Ethiopia Ambassador
2) culusow won't bring back somali ambassador from Ethiopia
3) culusow will not ask ATMIS the removal of Ethiopia from ATMIS
4) he won't lift a finger to somaliland

so what exactly will ulusow do? it's all a show for the simple minded.
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