Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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♚Sargon of Adal♚
HSM gave measured response no mention of Ethiopia being kicked out of country. Guess his focus is Al Shabab war and maintaining momentum.

he also stated there is no recogniztion to be had from Ethiopia

my last piece is that Abiye and Ethiopia don’t have issues getting freight and material into country there is plenty of available throughput in Somali and Djibouti ports. The guy is so entitled that he doesn’t want to spend 1.6 billion dollars in fees. He believes a nation of their size should have free access to sea. If somaliland thinks all the Djibouti fees will go them I would be very wary. He made it clear he sees free access to ocean as right

:mjlol: :mjlol:
Nothing is going to happen, Ethiopia will invade Eriteria as planned.
Something will definitely happen, but it will not be as big of a deal as everyone makes it seem. I remember when I was in grade school and the berbera deal was signed with UAE everyone overreacted, and look today no one cares. This is the same thing. Let Somaliland do its own bidding no need to stress over it
Something will definitely happen, but it will not be as big of a deal as everyone makes it seem. I remember when I was in grade school and the berbera deal was signed with UAE everyone overreacted, and look today no one cares. This is the same thing. Let Somaliland do its own bidding no need to stress over it
UAE didn’t build a naval base though. According to the agreement Ethiopia will build a naval base, meaning that they will have a military presence in SL. This is very different from what UAE did

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Xamarawi tears 😂😂 They should free themselves from Amisom before declaring war on others 💀

ATMIS is leaving by the 1000s, a policy which has been at the forefront of this government. Not like they did anything. What excuse you will have when Amisom leaves?

Also do you not see the irony in your post? You are telling southeners to remove foreign troops while accepting foreign troops on your land.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Honestly at this point I don't mind leaving Darood Lands in Sool & Sanaag, demarcation of our borders along clan lines half of Sanaag and western Sool are more than enough. The oil in Togdheer & Saaxil will guarantee a prosperous future for Isaaq and Sameroon. Harti are a dead weight it's time every clan goes it's way and close this chapter.

We been splitting Sanaag since 2016 😂
The deal is yet to be finalized so I have no real thoughts on it. If recognition is whats on the table then I support it, however I dont feel strongly about it tbh. its just very funny to me how everyone is suddenly so passionate about Somalilands ports. I think it is because we leased to Ethiopia, a country Somalis hate. If it was the USA or something I dont think Somalians would care that much

They're passionate because we're finally getting the long elusive recognition and leave this zero sum game called Somalia. It doesn't come from place of mortality, religion or ethnic nationalism but clear cut envy and cuqdad. A 50 year lease in exchange recognition is a great deal. We'll also invite American/British to build military bases in Berbera to prevent an Ethiopian takeover like Djibouti.

We're finally taking our place among the nations of this earth. Guul Somaliland, Somaliland hanolato!


♚Sargon of Adal♚
They're passionate because we're finally getting the long elusive recognition and leave this zero sum game called Somalia. It doesn't come from place of mortality, religion or ethnic nationalism but clear cut envy and cuqdad. A 50 year lease in exchange recognition is a great deal. We'll also invite American/British to build military bases in Berbera to prevent an Ethiopian takeover like Djibouti.

We're finally taking our place among the nations of this earth. Guul Somaliland, Somaliland hanolato!
You can do that on your own, Awdal is gtfo.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Honestly at this point I don't mind leaving Darood Lands in Sool & Sanaag, demarcation of our borders along clan lines half of Sanaag and western Sool are more than enough. The oil in Togdheer & Saaxil will guarantee a prosperous future for Isaaq and Sameroon. Harti are a dead weight it's time every clan goes it's way and close this chapter.
Tribal demarcation is almost impossible as nomads and their grazing areas generally overlap and will cause more problems long term.SL needs to retake Eastern Sool & get new toys from our UAE friends (or even make some contact with the Iranians or Houthis for cheap drones & missiles) and make sure to secure the border. Buhoodle city is the only place I would give up on. It’s a useless city and it’s already a divided city (half of it on the Ethiopian side)

Garaad Awal

Former African
They're passionate because we're finally getting the long elusive recognition and leave this zero sum game called Somalia. It doesn't come from place of mortality, religion or ethnic nationalism but clear cut envy and cuqdad. A 50 year lease in exchange recognition is a great deal. We'll also invite American/British to build military bases in Berbera to prevent an Ethiopian takeover like Djibouti.

We're finally taking our place among the nations of this earth. Guul Somaliland, Somaliland hanolato!
SL has finally pulled it off. I will get myself an SL passport and citizenship as soon it is recognized Inshallah!!
They're passionate because we're finally getting the long elusive recognition and leave this zero sum game called Somalia. It doesn't come from place of mortality, religion or ethnic nationalism but clear cut envy and cuqdad. A 50 year lease in exchange recognition is a great deal. We'll also invite American/British to build military bases in Berbera to prevent an Ethiopian takeover like Djibouti.

We're finally taking our place among the nations of this earth. Guul Somaliland, Somaliland hanolato!
Do you not see your being used by the Ethiopians are you to much of Nacas to realize that there using you for red sea access and there not going to recognise you they know the trouble that it would bring you've been trying for the last thirty odd years and it been a failure SSC just got recognise by FGs and and awdal state willl get recognise what is the game plan really to just be used as political pawn international law is on our side and Ethiopia is silent they know that there fucking up Ethiopia is going bankrupt and abiy can't pay off his debts so he resorting to this nonsense just like you guys are resorting to this nonsense it's going to end in disaster.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

As long as we keep Ceeri all is good Inshallah we'll part ways ASAP. Our map will look weird but it's the price to have your own country.

Ceeri ma adiga ka hadlaya , as Reer Ceeri i don't want you to speak of the belssed city it ain't Garadag or ceelafweyne we will split it Suuqa Hoose already banned your flag
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