Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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somalia is under the thumb of ethiopia and now the swahili states. somalia needs ethiopia kenya burundi uganda to fight AS. somalis will bow their heads as usual and continue on their path of self destruction in order to destroy their nation.

It's indeed sad to see the state of Somalia and Somalis. We'll continue fighting each other as other countries take advantage of us. Truly humiliating on every level.
I find it almost impossible to believe that Ethiopia agreed to recognise Somaliland, its probably misinformation or misinterpretation. I Think people should wait and see what comes out of this.


That meeting was in regards to fund allocation. Bihi and HSM were ironing out how much funds Bihi is entitled to of SL taxpayer money. Most of it would be going to Somalia, the rest to SL
At that point they may as well declare as a state. Cause if your funds are tied up with Somalia then you're claims of being a country rings hollow.
They were negotiating for their shares here. We are about to see more malls and flats constructed in Nairobi and Turkey
jaalle siyaad.


Siyaad is the reason why we are in this mess to begin with. Muse Bihi went from flying supersonic jets for the Somali Air Force and being proud to stand next to the Blue Flag at ceremonies around the world, to picking up arms against the Somali government after the bombings in the North. Siyaad discredited the legitimacy of the government, the state, the armed forces and every institution in the country. Now we are out of the frying pan and into the fire.

This was HSM.

Bixi can't sign anything and Abiy knows this.

HSM sold Somalia port to Ethiopia, just like his cousin Sheikh Sharif sold off the ocean to Kenya.
If it’s just a memorandum of understanding doesn’t that mean that this is not legally binding?

Ethiopia was supposed to have an ownership stake in Berbera port before that fell through. There’s no guarantee that this won’t end the same way
The last MOU signed by Abdishakur and Sheikh Sharif lead us to a 10 year court case battle, where we lost part of our ocean to Kenya.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
At that point they may as well declare as a state. Cause if your funds are tied up with Somalia then you're claims of being a country rings hollow.
we have firm control on their funds and airspace. It’s only their propaganda machine that convinces everyone otherwise.
Siyaad is the reason why we are in this mess to begin with. Muse Bihi went from flying supersonic jets for the Somali Air Force and being proud to stand next to the Blue Flag at ceremonies around the world, to picking up arms against the Somali government after the bombings in the North. Siyaad discredited the legitimacy of the government, the state, the armed forces and every institution in the country. Now we are out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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Man still blaming Barre when he died 30 years ago in Some Nigerian toilet

Somalis need to take accountability asap and these leaders after him including Muse the Ethiopian puppet are 100x worse and need be dealt with asap
I'd like to see the details of the deal. Muse is an idiot, so I doubt it's a good one for SL.

Recognition from Ethiopia isn't worth much imo (and it's defo not a fair trade for a port).They're still a 3rd world country without much power on the world stage. Look at how many countries recognise Palestine + it's not an official country.
Damn, these braindead idiots could've gotten their popcorn and waited to see if Ethiopia would've attacked Eritrea and sat in bleachers and watched as they destroyed each other. is there any incentive for Abiy Ahmed to wage war on Eritrea if this is actually true? we know how ethiopians role they falsify everything and claim everything as there as empires usually do.
I'd like to see the details of the deal. Muse is an idiot, so I doubt it's a good one for SL.

Recognition from Ethiopia isn't worth much imo (and it's defo not a fair trade for a port).They're still a 3rd world country without much power on the world stage. Look at how many countries recognise Palestine + it's not an official country.

Bro, giving Ethiopia port is nothing compared to having Ethiopian military at your shores. That's more worrying :wow:


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
If they were getting a lot of money out of it, that would be forgivable. But to give away a piece of your land for recognition from a country that won’t exist in 20 years. There has to be more.
I heard they gave somaliland shares in Ethiopian airlines
They did say they will offer financial incentive to whoever agreeed to give them access.
SL is in a bad position financially so this desperate act is not surprising.

Somalia tried pressuring them with aid funds and Abiy gave them a life vest. Interesting times.
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