Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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Muuse confirms that Ethiopia will be given a coastal strip for military/naval purpose in exchange for recognition of statehood. If HSM/FGS doesn't condemn this agreement, it will be confirmation that they are onboard and possibly signed it off as well.

The Ethiopian memorandum says nothing about recognition. Perhaps one may say such a term was avoided for political reasons. However, I have a feeling Abiy will come out and publicly state they are not recognising Somaliland after the media storm. My guy was just clapping along; I don’t think he understood the ramifications of what Biixi was claiming. Ethiopia being the first country to recognise Somaliland will open a can of worms in terms of secession of the Somali region, etc. it will drive up shabab recruitment. Lastly, it will be going against the AU re-respecting colonial borders.

Also, I wonder what the role of UAE was in this?
We still lost a small chunk of our sea.
Yea but the memorandum of understanding had nothing to do with the court’s decision though

From what I understand the MOU just said that Kenya and Somalia will agree on their maritime border by negotiation, meaning that they’ll avoid war and settle this matter peacefully

I don’t think MOUs are legally binding

are mou legally binding - Google Search.png


According to Bloomberg, the national security advisor to Abiy, Redwaan Hussein, said that the details of the agreement will be concluded by the end of the month.

But it will include that Ethiopia will be given a leased coastal land for 50 years intended for military and commercial purposes. In exchange, SL will be given a stake in Ethiopian Airlines.
Ethiopia is about to make bank and this man gets fucking Ethiopian Airlines. How fucking depressing. Might be the worse deal I've ever seen.

Ethiopia has an agreement with Somaliland that will get a sea gateway. **************** Ethiopia has concluded an agreement with Somaliland to acquire and develop the Red Sea Gate. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr) and Somali Territory President Musa Bhai signed the Comprehensive Mutual Understanding Document. Accordingly, our country, which has been without a port for many years, can be rented with the agreement we have with Somaliland.


Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation
ኢትዮጵያ የባሕር በር የምታገኝበትን የመግባቢያ ስምምነት ከሶማሊ ላንድ ጋር ተፈራረመች
ኢትዮጵያ የቀይ ባሕር በር ለማግኘት እና ለማልማት የሚያስችላትን ስምምነት ከሶማሊ ላንድ ጋር ፈፅማለች።
ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ዐቢይ አሕመድ (ዶ/ር) እና የሶማሊ ላንድ ፕሬዚዳንት ሙሴ ባሂ ሁሉን አካታች የሆነውን የጋራ መግባቢያ ሰነድ ተፈራርመዋል።
በዚሁ መሠረት ለብዙ ዘመናት ወደብ አልባ ሆና የቆየችው ሀገራችን ከሶማሊ ላንድ ጋር ባደረገችው ስምምነት በሊዝ የወደብ ባለቤት መሆን ያስችላታል
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Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Somalilands administration is hostile to the interests of Somalia. The FGS needs to stop handling SL with kid gloves and needs to start isolating them.
Not only did that Genocidal Bixi violate Somalia sovereignty and territorial integrity but he also sold out his region for a few bucks in his personal account. Politicians like this deserve to be hanged
I'm honestly sick to my stomach. Feel like puking wlhi. We've sold each other for pennies since time immemorial. We have invited our foes in to our country to do our qabiils bidding and kill the other for us, and today we have sold a piece of our land in the interest of one qabiil. In the heat of moment I'd like to say fk ya'll awoowgiin baad ceebeyseen.
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