Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

Stay alert. Stay angry. Do not be fooled. The U.S is beguiling unsuspecting nomads. Pay no attention to Biden and his house of shite. They will throw So under the same bus they have thrown Ps.

Et exists to advance US interest in the region.
Diplomatic Recognition from buto buto banana republic is a case for celebration, but when the most powerful state on the planet condemns said recognition as an infringement to an existing sovereign states rights, Somalilanders laugh it off as baseless.



These arguments will outlive us all. The men in charge were in their prime when the nation fell apart, now they're no more than 4-5 years away from needing adult diapers. What a waste.
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What genocide?

TPLF and Abiy are back to being buddies

View attachment 309816

TPLF are nothing more than puppets now ever since ENDF & co 'won' the war and Abiy forced them to accept the end of the war on his terms. That doesn't change the atrocities they committed.

Abiy's regime is gruesome. I don't support the other factions, but anyone who's honest enough would acknowledge that the war on TPLF, FANO and OLA have been bloody in terms of harms inflicted on civilians. Both intentional and war victims. It's also widely recognized as crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.
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