Muslims Come In And Help Me


I have come to the conclusion nothingness doesn't exist it's a made up concept that cannot be proven because if it was then it would turn into something. From this premise I assume before my birth and after my death there was something before birth and their will be something after death.

I mean for example there is a natural layer to my existence such as sperm, eggs, womb, etc but how do I ignore my parent who r intelligent made a decision to birth me, it's thru their will I came to existence, why not for the universe and all existence also?

Yes the existence of the world has a natural layer like we all do, but that cannot be the only dimension or else my parents would have to be removed from the equation of my birth and i have to see my existence down to biology.

This idea of proof of god which atheists demand is irrational, it's like asking for proof of nothingness which they believe, which by the way is not even possible, yet they believe in nothingness lol.
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That's where my belief is right now I believe nothingness is impossible and I don't believe existence is merely just one dimension layer such as natural world or else I would need to accept my existence was only natural with no intelligent parents, their will, decision, etc. Please no dogma I just want intelligent arguments.

For example if I block you on Somali spot do U stop to exist? No, but U do cease to exist on my time and space, just because I wasn't in the earth upon birth, doesn't mean I wasn't somewhere else either same for after death.


@Cambar lots of Muslims are stuck in dogma, rituals, no real intelligent discussions, heck some r even terrorists which isn't helping their cause. U need to sit down with people and reason with them, why else do we have a brain? Where is @Omar del Sur


peace is the key
That's where my belief is right now I believe nothingness is impossible and I don't believe existence is merely just one dimension of layer such as natural or else I would need to accept my existence was only natural with no intelligent parents, their will, decision, etc. Please no dogma I just want intelligent arguments.

For example if I block you on Somali spot do U stop to exist? No, but U do cease to exist on my time and space, just because I wasn't in the earth upon birth, doesn't mean I wasn't somewhere else either same for after death.
I'm probably not one for intelligent arguments, but I have one thing to say. Islam as a whole (in my head) is the belief in the unseen. I completely understand why you would wish for answers, i believe that faith in something of higher power will give you stability and peace in your life. It doesn't have to be Islam, and you know that, for example, the Tibetan monks. They defiantly don't believe in Islam but because of that faith in their heart, they have a meaning in their life and peace in their hearts. You should keep asking questions, it good for you :)


peace is the key
don't force yourself into a belief or ideology, ponder. You don't always need labels to describe yourself. Seek knowledge and don't be ignorant <3


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Atheism is hogwash. My experience in that jinn thread should already be proof enough but we can use logic to prove God exists & Islam is real.

If life is so unsingificant that it could occur when just the right amount of compounds form into life like carbon and oxygen then why haven't we discovered any life outside of our world?

Every single planet we encounter that should hold life doesn't. They have the perfect distance from their star to host life. They have oxygen. They have carbon. Hell we have discovered planets full of watery oceans. Not a single proof of intelligent life out there. There could be animals but nothing on a civilizational level has ever been discovered.

Mathematically this should be impossible until you realize...

God reveals in the Quran that humanity is the most unique of all creation. We are made up of biological compounds like animals but have the intlegence of jinn. That is why God made us the kings of all living things. We on a species level are the best of all creation. This is why iblis was jealous of us and got kicked down to jahanam.

God doesn't need any more proof then the Quran and observing space.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Atheism is hogwash. My experience in that jinn thread should already be proof enough but we can use logic to prove God exists & Islam is real.

If life is so unsingificant that it could occur when just the right amount of compounds form into life like carbon and oxygen then why haven't we discovered any life outside of our world?

Every single planet we encounter that should hold life doesn't. They have the perfect distance from their star to host life. They have oxygen. They have carbon. Hell we have discovered planets full of watery oceans. Not a single proof of intelligent life out there. There could be animals but nothing on a civilizational level has ever been discovered.

Mathematically this should be impossible until you realize...

God reveals in the Quran that humanity is the most unique of all creation. We are made up of biological compounds like animals but have the intlegence of jinn. That is why God made us the kings of all living things. We on a species level are the best of all creation. This is why iblis was jealous of us and got kicked down to jahanam.

God doesn't need any more proof then the Quran and observing space.


Atheism is hogwash. My experience in that jinn thread should already be proof enough but we can use logic to prove God exists & Islam is real.

If life is so unsingificant that it could occur when just the right amount of compounds form into life like carbon and oxygen then why haven't we discovered any life outside of our world?

Every single planet we encounter that should hold life doesn't. They have the perfect distance from their star to host life. They have oxygen. They have carbon. Hell we have discovered planets full of watery oceans. Not a single proof of intelligent life out there. There could be animals but nothing on a civilizational level has ever been discovered.

Mathematically this should be impossible until you realize...

God reveals in the Quran that humanity is the most unique of all creation. We are made up of biological compounds like animals but have the intlegence of jinn. That is why God made us the kings of all living things. We on a species level are the best of all creation. This is why iblis was jealous of us and got kicked down to jahanam.

God doesn't need any more proof then the Quran and observing space.

Before my jinn experience I was undecided in religion I didn't believe fully and I didn't disbelieve fully, I always knew deep down something existed tho, but religion is where I would think is just man made explanations because they read the religions literal when it was developed in a time of poetry not literal, I learned that later on my own, but the jinn world absolutely destroyed any uncertainties I had about god.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Before my jinn experience I was undecided in religion I didn't believe fully and I didn't disbelieve fully, I always knew deep down something existed tho, but religion is where I would think is just man made explanations because they read the religions literal when it was developed in a time of poetry not literal, Ilearned that later on my own, but the jinn world absolutely destroyed any uncertainties I had about god.
Looks like we saw the same things. I was exactly the same before my really bad experience 3 years ago. The jinn world is both marvelous and horrifying. Something I hope to never experience again but that experience also set us on the righteous path so I don't regret it


Looks like we saw the same things. I was exactly the same before my really bad experience 3 years ago. The jinn world is both marvelous and horrifying. Something I hope to never experience again but that experience also set us on the righteous path so I don't regret it

Exactly bro U will think about them for the rest of your life as U said it was marvelous and horrifying thru different stages of the experience. They really woke me up and I still think about them and what they were trying to communicate to me at a deeper level.


@Yami they came like the wind or air and penetrated every living thing even animals and plants and started to make them shape shift and show me that things can change within seconds for the world.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
@Yami they came like the wind or air and penetrated every living thing even animals and plants and started to make them shape shift and show me that things can change within seconds for the world.
Last week my cat was jumping into the air in a very creepy way like she was trying to kill something. She had her paws stretched out trying to catch it.

To the rest of my family it looked like she was jumping at nothing.

I saw what she was jumping at.

a black ghostly figure with red glowing eyes. I immediately knew it was a shaydaan.

It was walking down the stairs slowly while making direct eye contact with me. It wouldn't speak with its mouth instead it would speak in telepathy to my head.

All it said was that it would kill me and described different ways it would go about it in graphic detail.

Immediately played surah al baqrah on the TV and would you look at that my cat suddenly becomes normal and the shaydaan goes outside right infront of the door. Who would've thought 😭


Last week my cat was jumping into the air in a very creepy way like she was trying to kill something. She had her paws stretched out trying to catch it.

To the rest of my family it looked like she was jumping at nothing.

I saw what she was jumping at.

a black ghostly figure with red glowing eyes. I immediately knew it was a shaydaan.

It was walking down the stairs slowly while making direct eye contact with me. It wouldn't speak with its mouth instead it would speak in telepathy to my head.

All it said was that it would kill me and described different ways it would go about it in graphic detail.

Immediately played surah al baqrah on the TV and would you look at that my cat suddenly becomes normal and the shaydaan goes outside right infront of the door. Who would've thought 😭

I was sleeping with Qur'an too when they start to torment you about were gonna kill you or what they would say is we r never leaving and U will never see the normal world again, I'm honest I would cry silently on my own, yes it's all telepathic communication. I did lots of self reflection on my life as if this was it and the end. I yelled the Shahada in my head and said do as U please but please let me sleep.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Last week my cat was jumping into the air in a very creepy way like she was trying to kill something. She had her paws stretched out trying to catch it.

To the rest of my family it looked like she was jumping at nothing.

I saw what she was jumping at.

a black ghostly figure with red glowing eyes. I immediately knew it was a shaydaan.

It was walking down the stairs slowly while making direct eye contact with me. It wouldn't speak with its mouth instead it would speak in telepathy to my head.

All it said was that it would kill me and described different ways it would go about it in graphic detail.

Immediately played surah al baqrah on the TV and would you look at that my cat suddenly becomes normal and the shaydaan goes outside right infront of the door. Who would've thought 😭
It was very weird experience. The telepathy would also come with images. It showed me sliced in half my head gone my eyeballs ripped from my eye sockets my organs all over the place.

This shaydaan was either trying to scare me or really did want me dead. I'm going with the latter considering the shit it tried pulling later in the night. I can talk about it more if you're curious that night was cursed wallahi


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I was sleeping with Qur'an too when they start to torment you about were gonna kill you or what they would say is we r never leaving and U will never see the normal world again, I'm honest I would cry silently on my own, yes it's all telepathic communication. I did lots of self reflection on my life as if this was it and the end. I yelled the Shahada in my head and said do as U please but please let me sleep.
Two people having the same exact experience. @Internet Nomad you gonna say we're both liars? πŸ˜‚


It was very weird experience. The telepathy would also come with images. It showed me sliced in half my head gone my eyeballs ripped from my eye sockets my organs all over the place.

This shaydaan was either trying to scare me or really did want me dead. I'm going with the latter considering the shit it tried pulling later in the night. I can talk about it more if you're curious that night was cursed wallahi

I would observe these jinns in others, I thought they were hijacked and the human aspect was gone and the jinn layer was shown to me, for example when I was rushed to hospital, I thought that was it because I thought the jinns were there also inside doctors and nurses, one of them told me telepathically, were drain your blood, kill you, and create a new you and the hospital were all their workers. Some good jinns exist also but they are overshadowed by the nasty ones.


@Yami don't waste your time with normal ppl who haven't experienced it, I tried for years your talking to someone who is stuck in this dimension, he hasn't tapped into the jinn dimension or layer. What we need is a community of us sharing our stories.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I would observe these jinns in others, I thought they were hijacked and the human aspect was gone and the jinn layer was shown to me, for example when I was rushed to hospital, I thought that was it because I thought the jinns were there also inside doctors and nurses, one of them told me telepathically, were drain your blood, kill you, and create a new you and the hospital were all their workers. Some good jinns exist also but they are overshadowed by the nasty ones.
WTF I experienced the exact same thing with seeing jinns in others. This happened to me last thursday the same day that shaydaan tried to kill me.

I was at college and I got transported to the jinn realm again but everyone was still there. You could tell something was off though. I realized I was looking at everyone's qareen not themselves. Literally everyone there had a evil qareen attached to them. Even some of the Muslims.

The weird thing is some people suddenly were extremely young. I'm talking like 9- 11 years old. I don't know why that was the case. Only theory I have is that some of these bad jinns got attached to these people at that age & took the form of them at their young age. At least 30% of the college people looked like 4th graders suddenly.

I was able to order food and eat but the food suddenly tasted extremely good way better then it usually is. Also people were weirdly nice to me.

At some point I started freaking out in my head wondering wtf was going on. It was my own qareen who informed me that we were in jinnistan again.

I was talking to @Sa_Male on socials while this was happening. He can vouche this shit actually happened πŸ’€


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
@Yami don't waste your time with normal ppl who haven't experienced it, I tried for years your talking to someone who is stuck in this dimension, he hasn't tapped into the jinn dimension or layer. What we need is a community of us sharing our stories.
I agree now tbh. For the longest I thought I could convince regular people. The consequence was getting sent to a mental hospital after getting arrested & beat up by cops and getting tortured by shaydaans for 4 days straight even though medication was supposed to help me πŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ

I'll never mention this jinn shit again except with close friends and you niggas on somalispot. Regular people aren't ready for the truth


WTF I experienced the exact same thing with seeing jinns in others. This happened to me last thursday the same day that shaydaan tried to kill me.

I was at college and I got transported to the jinn realm again but everyone was still there. You could tell something was off though. I realized I was looking at everyone's qareen not themselves. Literally everyone there had a evil qareen attached to them. Even some of the Muslims.

The weird thing is some people suddenly were extremely young. I'm talking like 9- 11 years old. I don't know why that was the case. Only theory I have is that some of these bad jinns got attached to these people at that age & took the form of them at their young age. At least 30% of the college people looked like 4th graders suddenly.

I was able to order food and eat but the food suddenly tasted extremely good way better then it usually is. Also people were weirdly nice to me.

At some point I started freaking out in my head wondering wtf was going on. It was my own qareen who informed me that we were in jinnistan again.

I was talking to @Sa_Male on socials while this was happening. He can vouche this shit actually happened πŸ’€

They hijack everything even inside mosques, but I remember Islam talking about how their all nations and religions and genders, so I knew that about them and it was so true, noone was spared in my jinnistan world. Islam also says every human has a jinn attached to them, so I knew their jinn layer was shown to me.

