Muslims Come In And Help Me


@Yami lots of doctors don't know their is traumatic stage post jinn experience where ppl who experienced it never ever will see life the same and are constantly thinking about them because they feel why were they violated, what was the purpose, was they selected or was it a warning call, so many things run thru ppl head even post jinn experience.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
@Yami lots of doctors don't know their is traumatic stage post jinn experience where ppl who experienced it never ever will see life the same and are constantly thinking about them because they feel why were they violated, what was the purpose, was they selected or was it a warning call, so many things run thru ppl head even post jinn experience.
Yep but if you say any of that these idiots send you to the mental hospital. Both of us are clearly suffering from the effects of PTSD but we can't say why cuz of these retards.

We will never get help for our PTSD because of these retards.

Irs a fucked situation. If only people could believe us. If only people listened to what we have to say. Wallahi we'd be good.


Yep but if you say any of that these idiots send you to the mental hospital. Both of us are clearly suffering from the effects of PTSD but we can't say why cuz of these retards

Humanity isn't ready for this discussion that's absolutely true.
I have come to the conclusion nothingness doesn't exist it's a made up concept that cannot be proven because if it was then it would turn into something. From this premise I assume before my birth and after my death there was something before birth and their will be something after death.

I mean for example there is a natural layer to my existence such as sperm, eggs, womb, etc but how do I ignore my parent who r intelligent made a decision to birth me, it's thru their will I came to existence, why not for the universe and all existence also?

Yes the existence of the world has a natural layer like we all do, but that cannot be the only dimension or else my parents would have to be removed from the equation of my birth and i have to see my existence down to biology.

This idea of proof of god which atheists demand is irrational, it's like asking for proof of nothingness which they believe, which by the way is not even possible, yet they believe in nothingness lol.
It's impossible for nothingness after death. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Our souls have always existed. I don't believe in religions as I believe they're all man made concepts but I am open to the belief our souls or consciousness continues to live somewhere.


@Yami doctors just love to slap some stupid label on you about mental illness which is all fake, they do so because big pharma are making billions selling pills, it keeps psycharists, psychologists, nurses, support workers in a job to buy homes and cars at your expense 😂. If U talk to normal ppl even Muslims they just like to dismiss it as your mad lol. If madness is true why don't we see any animal suffering mental illness, why is it only humans? It's man made bullshit madness.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
@Yami doctors just love to slap some stupid label on you about mental illness which is all fake, they do so because big pharma are making billions selling pills, it keeps psycharists, psychologists, nurses, support workers in a job to buy homes and cars at your expense 😂. If U talk to normal ppl even Muslims they just like to dismiss it as your mad lol. If madness is true why don't we see any animal suffering mental illness, why is it only humans? It's man made bullshit madness.
I agree. I apparently have psychosis according to the doctor thay should be destroying my life but whenever I read surah al nas nothing happens to me.

In the name of the singular God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,” “The Sovereign of mankind,” “The God of mankind,” "from the lurkering whisper", the whisper who speaks in the hearts of mankind", "from among both jinn and humanity"

I believe psychosis is bullshit too. It's all people experiencing different levels of shaydaans messing with them. With the most severe being schizophrenia.

By bullshit do I mean the mental illness is not real? No. Then what do I mean? What I'm conveying is that what these poor people are seeing is real. There's a reason there's no medical cure for fucking schizophrenia. It's because you people reading this very post treat their jinn possession like they're crazy and feed them drugs that dulled them into a dumb mental state to rhe point they both can't see jinns and can barely function in real life.

Like I said earlier.

Only solution to this is quran. Specifically surah al nas the last chapter.
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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I agree. I apparently have psychosis according to the doctor thay should be destroying my life but whenever I read surah al nas nothing happens to me.

I believe psychosis is bullshit too. It's all people experiencing different levels of jinns messing with them. With the most severe being schizoprenia.

By bullshit do I mean the mental illness is not real? No. Then what do I mean? What I'm conveying is that what these poor people are seeing is real. There's a reason there's no medical cure for fucking schizoprenia. It's because you people treat their jinn possession like they're crazy and feed them drugs that dulled them into a dumb mental state to rhe point they both can't see jinns and can barely function in real life.

Like I said earlier.

Only solution to this is quran. Specifically surah al nas the last chapter.

Do well with minimal symptoms? Do you see now that even with meds the shaydaans STILL f*ck with them? Its actually infuriating knowing that millions upon millions of people go through this disgusting shit without a soul believing them. Everyday I make dua for all the schizos around the world. Its one of the worse illnesses to have. The illness that not a single soul believes you suffer from. The illness of demonic possession.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
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Do well with minimal symptoms? Do you see now that even with meds the shaydaans STILL f*ck with them? Its actually infuriating knowing that millions upon millions of people go through this disgusting shit without a soul believing them. Everyday I make dua for all the schizos around the world. Its one of the worse illnesses to have. The illness that not a single soul believes you suffer from. The illness of demonic possession.
I want people to look at the lives you destroy by not believing a word they say so here's what happens when you let shaydaans take over your love ones.



These demons literally CONSUME these people's brains over time. God knows what else they do while inside there that modern day science haven't discovered yet, lakiinse, they're just crazy soo maha? All their stories of getting tortured every night of their lives are just crazy talk soo maha? Just lock them up in a hospital where they get abused while doctors feed them drugs that do jack shit soo maha? Ina illahi.

If anyone is suffering from delusions its you people who don't believe in the obvious. Its YOU not seeing reality for what it is, not them.





Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I want people to look at the lives you destroy by not believing a word they say so here's what happens when you let shaydaans take over your love ones.

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These demons literally CONSUME these people's brains over time. God knows what else they do while inside there that modern day science haven't discovered yet, lakiinse, they're just crazy soo maha? All their stories of getting tortured every night of their lives are just crazy talk soo maha? Just lock them up in a hospital where they get abused while doctors feed them drugs that do jack shit soo maha? Ina illahi.

If anyone is suffering from delusions its you people who don't believe in the obvious. Its YOU not seeing reality for what it is, not them.

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Shaydaans will feed you this shit constantly, tortuing you. They mess with you in ways that a normal person can never comprehand. Sometimes, they will show you fake shit like the demons taking over the world with the reddit user, other times they will literally show you being killed a few minutes into the future, and if you don't start playing Quran immediately you will die. They do this so you never know if what they are showing you is real or delusion. If you think the real thing is fake thanks to retards telling you you're crazy well guess what? You die.

Shaydaans tried to break my neck on call. @Sa_Male saw it live. I barely took control of my body before they could land the finishing blow with my own arms. Like I said earlier though, we are just crazy people soo maha?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Shaydaans will feed you this shit constantly, tortuing you. They mess with you in ways that a normal person can never comprehand. Sometimes, they will show you fake shit like the demons taking over the world with the reddit user, other times they will literally show you being killed a few minutes into the future, and if you don't start playing Quran immediately you will die. They do this so you never know if what they are showing you is real or delusion. If you think the real thing is fake thanks to retards telling you you're crazy well guess what? You die.

Shaydaans tried to break my neck on call. @Sa_Male saw it live. I barely took control of my body before they could land the finishing blow with my own arms. Like I said earlier though, we are just crazy people soo maha?
Have you all ever heard of spontanous combulsion? Its what the science community refer to what's basically shaydaan on human killings.

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Shit like this will happen to your loved ones if you don't believe a word they say. Shaydaans can & have killed people. They are literal demons made up of fire. Don't think they're safe because you fed them dumbing drugs.



Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I hope this thread can be informative to the muslim users here. Take your religion seriously, never miss your prayers. Make dua for your family members & community in hopes they never suffer from this deliberating thing in their lifetimes. This also goes for ajnabi christians reading this. Even though Islam is the final message we both still worship the same god. Do what you see fit in your religion.

For the atheists & munafiqs I could care less about you. You all can believe @DR OSMAN & I are crazy all you want. What I dealt with in the hospital really opened my eyes. Wallahi I will hate atheists for the rest of my life. For not believing a word I say and subjecating me to both torture in this dimension and jinnistan, with sometimes it happening in both symantaously.

After I'm done college in a year I'll be working in Canada for a decade. When I saved enough money I'll be relocating to Africa forever and only visiting here to see old friends. Just seeing godless people outside disgusts me now, knowing full well what they'd put me through if I ever said a word of this to them.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
I've only experienced 2 out of this world experiences, the first time was when we moved to a new house I was about 9 or 10, I was heading to bed, and I was on my Gameboy, I was so engrossed, the room had no lights but I was getting light from the corridor, I noticed a figure of an old white man standing near the door casting no shadow, he looked about 80, keep in mind this was very old one floor home, no clue who lived there before us, I dove head first into my sheet.

The second experience is in my sleep paralysis episode, this happened when I was a teen, I was stressed over exams and had very little sleep, the figure was pitch black and had glowing red eyes, I could feel it's presence and it would wake me, it would hover above my body, and then go through it, closest feeling to what I experience was getting winded, I would forget every night, the brain is great at handling trauma by making you ignore these events, until I remembered one night, I was talking to my uncles, they had the same experience, I had tears coming down my cheeks, I thought I was going mad, three people experiencing the same thing can't be chalked up to an over active imagination, the only person not affect was my Granny, my cat disliked the house, he would spend months at a time away, this only started happening after my uncle came back from Africa, he was later diagnosed with schizophrenia but he talked about a woman that always followed him.(his doing well now).

I had issues with sleep paralysis after moving out ( but nothing like what I experienced before) its been a few years and I haven't had any experience since.

There is a whole other world we can't see and within the last 2 years, we've had several whistle-blowers come out, explaining that these so-called aliens are not extraterrestrial but interdimensional and have been here long before us.
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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I've only experienced 2 out of this world experiences, the first time was when we moved to a new house I was about 9 or 10, I was heading to bed, and I was on my Gameboy, I was so engrossed, the room had no lights but I was getting light from the corridor, I noticed a figure of an old white man standing near the door casting no shadow, he looked about 80, keep in mind this was very old one floor home, no clue who lived there before us, I dove head first into my sheet.

The second experience is in my sleep paralysis episode, this happened when I was a teen, I was stressed over exams and had very little sleep, the figure was pitch black and had glowing red eyes, I could feel it's presence and it would wake me, it would over over my body, and then go through it, closest feeling to what I experience was getting winded, I would forget every night, the brain is great at handling trauma by making you forget it, until I remembered one night, I was talking to my uncles, they had the exact same experience, I literally had tears coming dow my cheeks, I thought I was going mad, three people experiencing the exact same thing can't be chalked up to an over active imagination, the only person not affect was my Granny, my cat disliked the house, he would spend months at a time away, this only started happening after my uncle came back from Africa, he was later diagnosed with schizophrenia but he talked about a woman that always followed him.(his doing well now).
View attachment 342557

I had issues with sleep paralysis after moving out ( but nothing like what I experienced before) its been a few years and I haven't had any experience since.

There is a whole other world we can't see and within the last 2 years, we've had several whistle blowers come out, explaining that these so called aliens are not exterrerstial but interdemensional and have been her long before us.
1) In your first story, you saw the qareen of the dead old white man. Qareen shapeshift into the form of their human & can live for hundreds of years after the death of their human companion. This is what most people confuse for as "ghosts". You can semi consider them the ghost of the original perso. They have all the same memories & interacted with the qareen versions of all your loved ones lakiinse they are NOT you. You are gone into the grave. They still walk the world with no purpose now that you're dead.

2) You experinced the same thing as @DR OSMAN & I. a Shaydaan in the xafaad. It's trippy that we all see them in the same form. Black ghostly figures with red eyes.

3) I've heard about the whistle blowers. That one Israeli guy from 5 years back soo maha? From my islamic knowledge, I learned that Jinns live in the sky too. It's why God said he is the king of all worlds in the quran. The things we saw from other planets are in reality just jinns. They live everywhere in the universe & can travel through space. It's why planets that I mentioned earlier are devoid of intelligent life like us. In my own theory, life that could develope into civilizations on those planets get snuffed out by jinn before they ever fully devlope.

Real "aliens" are these niggas that live here.

If anyone read my thread you will know that the 7 shaydaan kings all have a planet that repersents them. I'll post it below.


These are where they live. Shaydaans can live on gas planets since they themselves are made out of gas. Shaydaans can live on venus since they themselves are made up of fire.

The angel list are beings tasked by God to watch over these shaydaans since they are considered extremely dangerous given their proximity to us on Earth.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
1) In your first story, you saw the qareen of the dead old white man. Qareen shapeshift into the form of their human & can live for hundreds of years after the death of their human companion. This is what most people confuse for as "ghosts". You can semi consider them the ghost of the original perso. They have all the same memories & interacted with the qareen versions of all your loved ones lakiinse they are NOT you. You are gone into the grave. They still walk the world with no purpose now that you're dead.

2) You experinced the same thing as @DR OSMAN & I. a Shaydaan in the xafaad. It's trippy that we all see them in the same form. Black ghostly figures with red eyes.

3) I've heard about the whistle blowers. That one Israeli guy from 5 years back soo maha? From my islamic knowledge, I learned that Jinns live in the sky too. It's why God said he is the king of all worlds in the quran. The things we saw from other planets are in reality just jinns. They live everywhere in the universe & can travel through space. It's why planets that I mentioned earlier are devoid of intelligent life like us. In my own theory, life that could develope into civilizations on those planets get snuffed out by jinn before they ever fully devlope.

Real "aliens" are these niggas that live here.

If anyone read my thread you will know that the 7 shaydaan kings all have a planet that repersents them. I'll post it below.

View attachment 342558

These are where they live. Shaydaans can live on gas planets since they themselves are made out of gas. Shaydaans can live on venus since they themselves are made up of fire.

The angel list are beings tasked by God to watch over these shaydaans since they are considered extremely dangerous given their proximity to us on Earth.
Humanity has known about these shaydaan kings for ages. @NidarNidar favourite people the sumerians wrote about their encounters with them. Apparently they even ruled their civilization.


Here below is the planets associated with the shaydaans depicted alongside them


Keep in mind this is the oldest civilization in recorded history. They shouldn't even know about planets let alone that they all rotate around the sun. Except its very obvious they did know, because these shaydaans would come down & teach this shit to them.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Humanity has known about these shaydaan kings for ages. @NidarNidar favourite people the sumerians wrote about their encounters with them. Apparently they even ruled their civilization.

View attachment 342560

Here below is the planets associated with the shaydaans depicted alongside them

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Keep in mind this is the oldest civilization in recorded history. They shouldn't even know about planets let alone that they all rotate around the sun. Except its very obvious they did know, because these shaydaans would come down & teach this shit to them.




Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
LOL the shaydaans just got hella pissed that I revealed their secret.

i was talking about this jinn stuff with a friend and i got the weirdest call in my whole life.
  1. some unknown number
  2. i answered and i asked who it is
  3. said im your love
  4. i said who is this
    • i saved your number as ___ (my actual name_)

At this point I knew it was a shaydaan fucking with me. I trolled it for a bit until it declined the call.

Yeah I think thats enough proof that this is all real. This actually just happened to me wallahi atheem


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
At this point I knew it was a shaydaan fucking with me. I trolled it for a bit until it declined the call.

Yeah I think thats enough proof that this is all real. This actually just happened to me wallahi atheem
btw it was a voice i didnt recognoze but it was extremely soothing and feminine. Something shaydaans love to tempt mankind with is zina. Keep that in mind
Miskiina "purpleunicorns28 ilahay ha caafiyo but that killed me :russ: .

Now then I only have a single bizarre incident to share I had and will continue to brush off as a very vivid hallucination. When I was 8 or so years old, back then we used to live in a two story house and as I was going up stairs to my room with a blanket in my hand this abomination of a creature, an octopus with human eyes and instead of tentacles fingers came running downstairs at a crazy speed. I jumped and my legs completely gave up in shear terror but luckily the blanket saved my knees from the concrete staircase. We locked eyes as it was running down and it just sped off. I don't remember where it went. I somehow managed to sleep that night


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Miskiina "purpleunicorns28 ilahay ha caafiyo but that killed me :russ: .

Now then I only have a single bizarre incident to share I had and will continue to brush off as a very vivid hallucination. When I was 8 or so years old, back then we used to live in a two story house and as I was going up stairs to my room with a blanket in my hand this abomination of a creature, an octopus with human eyes and instead of tentacles fingers came running downstairs at a crazy speed. I jumped and my legs completely gave up in shear terror but luckily the blanket saved my knees from the concrete staircase. We locked eyes as it was running down and it just sped off. I don't remember where it went. I somehow managed to sleep that night
Kids can see shaydaanid better then adults. What you was real. An actual demon was trying to scare you. As long as you recite Surah Al Nas nothing will ever happen to you. Even listening to it is caadi & I recommend everyone reading this to put Surah Al Nas on loop while in this thread.



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