Muslims Come In And Help Me

These jinns are real, not many people will experience it. Also a lot of Sheikhs fear studying this science & doing ruqiyah as they’ll have to be on point with their deen always and the jinns do retaliate and harm family members.
I’ve never had a jinn encounter personally, but my grandmother has been affected for 25 years of her life. It used to be worse when I was younger, but alx her episodes calmed down now. As of now She gets very emotional & isolated herself every month for like 10 days. Her sister also had it but did “mingis” an annual ritual Somalis do for jinns. They'll leave you alone & you can live a normal life. But my grandmother refused, because its shirk and this world is merely but an illusion, surely the hereafter is better. She chose being patient on Allah’s decree because it’s Allah who created her.
She said it’s not worth risking her afterlife.

@DR OSMAN & @Yami Allah tests those he loves the most, in reality you guys are the chosen ones. Keep in mind Allah test the prophets more than anyone who every lived earth. So be patient because Allah loves those who show patience. Believers who are patient in the face of adversity are rewarded in ways that are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. Many people are ignorant & will label you crazy but I understand your pain & struggles.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Why do you guys believe islam is man made? what’s your proof?

how’s the quran “made up” by humans when no one can create verses like it?
Experiencing jinns and that world/dimension certainly strengthened my faith in Islam. It's something I sometimes wish others should experience to make them look at life differently. For someone who was shaky on faith and had my days of disbelieving. I ain't looking back ever. May Allah keep us firm on his path.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I have come to the conclusion nothingness doesn't exist it's a made up concept that cannot be proven because if it was then it would turn into something. From this premise I assume before my birth and after my death there was something before birth and their will be something after death.

I mean for example there is a natural layer to my existence such as sperm, eggs, womb, etc but how do I ignore my parent who r intelligent made a decision to birth me, it's thru their will I came to existence, why not for the universe and all existence also?

Yes the existence of the world has a natural layer like we all do, but that cannot be the only dimension or else my parents would have to be removed from the equation of my birth and i have to see my existence down to biology.

This idea of proof of god which atheists demand is irrational, it's like asking for proof of nothingness which they believe, which by the way is not even possible, yet they believe in nothingness lol.



WTF I experienced the exact same thing with seeing jinns in others. This happened to me last thursday the same day that shaydaan tried to kill me.

I was at college and I got transported to the jinn realm again but everyone was still there. You could tell something was off though. I realized I was looking at everyone's qareen not themselves. Literally everyone there had a evil qareen attached to them. Even some of the Muslims.

The weird thing is some people suddenly were extremely young. I'm talking like 9- 11 years old. I don't know why that was the case. Only theory I have is that some of these bad jinns got attached to these people at that age & took the form of them at their young age. At least 30% of the college people looked like 4th graders suddenly.

I was able to order food and eat but the food suddenly tasted extremely good way better then it usually is. Also people were weirdly nice to me.

At some point I started freaking out in my head wondering wtf was going on. It was my own qareen who informed me that we were in jinnistan again.

I was talking to @Sa_Male on socials while this was happening. He can vouche this shit actually happened 💀

The food always taste better in the jinn world and people are extremely nice yes that a the good side of the jinn world


I've only experienced 2 out of this world experiences, the first time was when we moved to a new house I was about 9 or 10, I was heading to bed, and I was on my Gameboy, I was so engrossed, the room had no lights but I was getting light from the corridor, I noticed a figure of an old white man standing near the door casting no shadow, he looked about 80, keep in mind this was very old one floor home, no clue who lived there before us, I dove head first into my sheet.

The second experience is in my sleep paralysis episode, this happened when I was a teen, I was stressed over exams and had very little sleep, the figure was pitch black and had glowing red eyes, I could feel it's presence and it would wake me, it would hover above my body, and then go through it, closest feeling to what I experience was getting winded, I would forget every night, the brain is great at handling trauma by making you ignore these events, until I remembered one night, I was talking to my uncles, they had the same experience, I had tears coming down my cheeks, I thought I was going mad, three people experiencing the same thing can't be chalked up to an over active imagination, the only person not affect was my Granny, my cat disliked the house, he would spend months at a time away, this only started happening after my uncle came back from Africa, he was later diagnosed with schizophrenia but he talked about a woman that always followed him.(his doing well now).
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I had issues with sleep paralysis after moving out ( but nothing like what I experienced before) its been a few years and I haven't had any experience since.

There is a whole other world we can't see and within the last 2 years, we've had several whistle-blowers come out, explaining that these so-called aliens are not extraterrestrial but interdimensional and have been here long before us.
Lol I remember once couple years back I felt like I was imagining some woman in hijab but no mouth behind me. And another time I woke up in the middle of the night I could've sworn I was being chocked. That paticular thing always had me wondering.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
@Yami and @DR OSMAN Jazakallahu khayran for your inputs, As @FuadTuur mentioned, stay firm on your beliefs and know that this is a trial from Allah, whether it is the occurrences with shayaadiin or ignorant people. May Allah keep you all safe ameen.
Appreciate it bro. Every subax an hour before Fajr I make sure to do 10 push ups 10 sit ups and go on a ran. Usually when I'm back I'm at either 6k steps or 10k. I do this to keep fit top fit and in control of myself both physically and mentally.

These shaydaaniid can't touch me anymore. I have both the mental will power with Islam and the physical will power with my new strength now. I'm fully dedicated to this fitness regime.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I want people to look at the lives you destroy by not believing a word they say so here's what happens when you let shaydaans take over your love ones.

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These demons literally CONSUME these people's brains over time. God knows what else they do while inside there that modern day science haven't discovered yet, lakiinse, they're just crazy soo maha? All their stories of getting tortured every night of their lives are just crazy talk soo maha? Just lock them up in a hospital where they get abused while doctors feed them drugs that do jack shit soo maha? Ina illahi.

If anyone is suffering from delusions its you people who don't believe in the obvious. Its YOU not seeing reality for what it is, not them.

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I’ll make another thread with all my messages here compiled in it


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I’ll make another thread with all my messages here compiled in it

Humans can experience the Jin world thru psychedelic drugs which opens up that Jin layer, if not thru drugs they can still do it natural way don't sleep or reduce sleep to hours a day for 2 weeks, cut out food and just drink cola or some sugary thing for adrenaline, the mind will shift to that dimension.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Humans can experience the Jin world thru psychedelic drugs which opens up that Jin layer, if not thru drugs they can still do it natural way don't sleep or reduce sleep to hours a day for 2 weeks, cut out food and just drink cola or some sugary thing for adrenaline, the mind will shift to that dimension.

How do i experience then? Never used drugs in my life. I can smell a jiin from far lool



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