Muufo? What is this?

Certain people love to make jokes about muufo, cambuulo, moxog (cassava) which are generally associated with Abgaal. Those same people fill the 'wadani' restaurants in Xamar lol
Give me a plate of Cambuulo with saliid macsaro/little sugar and shaax caano geel lagu cadeeyey over processed rice imported from china any day of the week :manny:
Central and northern Somalia are pure nomadic they grew up on hilib and caano geel for generations southerners have all those farms makes sense they’re food taste would be more diverse
Most Abgaals are pure nomads as well. Only a minority own farms, but you’re right that being near farms ect is going to change their taste profile and Xamar being a diverse city will make their pallet more sophisticated.
Most Abgaals are pure nomads as well. Only a minority own farms
Middle Shabelle Abgaals for the most part are agro pastoralists. Meaning they own different type of livestock ( Camel, goats, cows etc) whilst also having a patch of small land intended for rainfed farming. Those closer to the river Shabelle mainly have cattle whilst using the river water for farming. You still have pure nomads that stretch into Lower Shabelle with their camels but the way of life mentioned before is how vast majority of the rural population live.
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Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
I love all Somalis no tribalism from me 🙏🏾, my family always tells me that southern food is way nicer and I should try some, even my dad who spent time in xamar he loves malawax now.

I have never seen muufo before that is why I asked @Wonyluvr about this. It was meant to be a light-hearted joke I’m sure she understood.
Yea Angelina chill, it's just food :sitdown:
The way the eat/present it is disgusting, not the actual food. It's flat bread, with meat, saliid macsaro, maraq and muus. I think I've even seen pureed mango thrown into the mix, but that might be another dish. I've never had muufo before, but my dad would eat his laxoox with hilib, saliid macsaro and muus. My reer Waqooyi mother found it weird at first, but once she tried it, she was hooked.

They rip up the muufo increase it's surface area, so the bread can soak up the maraq better. Very hearty food.


Muufo is so nice omg. that picture is NOTTT a representation of our lovely muufo
went into a restuarant in Nairobi, ordered muufo with maraq, the waiter was like add saliid macsaro and cut into pieces and mush all together, I was like i'm not doing that madness; to each their own.