My 40 something year old West African colleague follows Somali Twitter

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Some Nigerian brought up Somalis shit talking other ethnicities on their respective boards on that coli thread from the other day. 99% sure he's referring to that Somali doqon on there.

Probably an Ethiopian agent trying to sew discord among the African community


I have an IQ of 300
The kid's a legend tbh
I've read some of the threads that he's destroyed, it's very entertaining in a morbid way, like watching a car crash in action :dabcasar:
I'm confident this thread on nairaland was caused by him terrorising the Nigerians :mjlol:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
tbh if that is geeljire he has two completely distinct personalities

also i highly doubt he's a teenager
Any Somali dissing a Nigerian or a Ghanaian deserves to get shot, clearly doesn't know anything about history, Nigeria is the only country in Africa that has resisted two decades of destabilisation, civil-war and colour revolution attempts, all of them failing including the latest Boko haram attempt.

When you speak to a Nigerian, you realise why they are all failing, in the whole African continent along with their brethren in Ghana, they are collectively the most consciously awake people to all these threats, hence why every Europhile attack fails.

The USA set up Africom just to counter them and before moved AA to Liberia to take over which again thanks to Nigeria didn't happen, if you want to have alternative world view just read the articles on this site and see how gallantly they have resisted.

It's no surprise the US deliberately leaked intelligence reports boldly predicting the collapse of Nigeria in 2005 and 2010, along sectarian and religious lines, which they tried hard to foment but didn't work, while you dumb stupid Somalis and the other Arabs your worship fell for those colonial traps.

Even in the UK, every place I have ever worked, and these include several financial institutions, the only blacks I saw were Nigerian or Ghanaian, the same when I walk into a GP ward.

Then again what do you expect from the spawns of a sick confused bastards, burned their own country, turned Europhile atheist, blindly worshipping them, lost their religion/culture with an epidemic number of Garoobs and cheap skanks, magaci somaliyeed bad ceebeeysan abahina wase isku xishoodo
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