My advise to u: give up hope on Somalia

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Anyone who defends HSM or Barre is a qabilist moron. Barre was an oppressive despot and HSM is a corrupt criminal.
I started to respect barre after I saw the last 2 presidents HSM & Sharif sheikh. Hate him or love him he was the last Somali president after Barre we only saw Ethiopian puppets.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
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I started to respect barre after I saw the last 2 presidents HSM & Sharif sheikh. Hate him or love him he was the last Somali president after Barre we only saw Ethiopian puppets.
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Abayo, put it in perspective. Barre killed way more Somalis than all of those Ethiopian puppets combined. What does that tell you? He wasn't in it for Somalia, he was in it for himself. This mentality is whats killing us. "My clans has bad guys, but the other clans' bad guys are worse." We have to be honest with ourselves, especially with the stuff that happened in the past.If we can't do that we're doomed.
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Abayo, put it in perspective. Barre killed way more Somalis than all of those Ethiopian puppets combined. What does that tell you? He wasn't in it for Somalia, he was in it for himself. This mentality is whats killing us. "My clans has bad guys, but the other clans' bad guys are worse." We have to be honest with ourselves, especially with the stuff that happened in the past.If we can't do that we're doomed.

I became frustrated with the traitors puppets in Mogadishu


Gaalkacyo Gangster
I became frustrated with the traitors puppets in Mogadishu
I understand. I get really frustrated too sometimes. But we should refrain from making reckless statements. Inshallah things will improve and we'll rid ourselves of the criminals and traitors. We must have patience and trust in Allah swt.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
May Allah increase our suffering & humilation until we implement the divine laws of the most sublime, the best of judges, the master of the day of judgement, we came from him & to him we shall return.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
1960 when we got our so called independence, I don't know how when we are sovereign beings who have God given inalienable rights, most of the people in the parliament voted to govern the nation under secular governance, people present today who voted for shariah during that time, only three people, came forward & said there was this marrano italian Jew going around with a briefcase full of money bribing the parliamentarians, we sold our soul as a nation, indeed you reap just what you sow.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Xaaji maxamed yasin was a parliamentarian when Somalia voted to use the Italian drafted secular constitution at 3:50 & he also exposes the Marrano Jew who was doing the bribing.



Weeping for the Nation of 68
Canuck and me feels the same about the hawiye darood and isaaq traitors ruling Somalia.
That doesnt make us ahlusunnah or alshabaab.
It makes us real somalis, which are very tiny minority. The vast majority falls for the tricks of traitors, alshabab terrorists and ahlusunnah alamxaariya.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
1960 when we got our so called independence, I don't know how when we are sovereign beings who have God given inalienable rights, most of the people in the parliament voted to govern the nation under secular governance, people present today who voted for shariah during that time, only three people, came forward & said there was this marrano italian Jew going around with a briefcase full of money bribing the parliamentarians, we sold our soul as a nation, indeed you reap just what you sow.
No more mixing religion and politics. f*ck off with your bullshit pious act. You say all that stuff now then go in another thread and flirt with women and brag about ziina. Waax a deenta katagantiid majiiro. Somalia is a muslim country, but we don't need to be ruled by fake ass sheikhs like you. Do you want to be like Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia or do you want to be like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar?

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
May Allah increase our suffering & humilation until we implement the divine laws of the most sublime, the best of judges, the master of the day of judgement, we came from him & to him we shall return.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Waryaa, are you sick?
Funny when I've asked in this thread how exactly HSM is a traitor I've gotten no intelligent response back :hmm:

HSM refused joining of PL & JL defence forces to Somali national army and fired the prime minister for that reason. Second, HSM accepted 50 millions from Saudi to cut relations with Iran. Fourth, he agreed to send our girls to Saudi. Fivth, he used to take orders and reported to general Gabri the Ethiopian spy. Sixth, he failed to build SNA and paid them in time, now USA ordered to give weapons to regional defence forces to fight alshabab instead of Somali army. Seventh, he sold the Somali government weapons in black market. He stole properties of reer xamar lady. Last his wife is land grabber. But you are blind to all these because of tribalism
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