Let me guess, you call yourself a Muslim, yet you despise shariah law? Cognitive dissonance much wallahi, I've noticed many people on here are totally oblivious to Islam, who mentioned anything about shiekhs? Do you think Saudi Arabia & Qatar or Iran use shariah lawNo more mixing religion and politics. f*ck off with your bullshit pious act. You say all that stuff now then go in another thread and flirt with women and brag about ziina. Waax a deenta katagantiid majiiro. Somalia is a muslim country, but we don't need to be ruled by fake ass sheikhs like you. Do you want to be like Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia or do you want to be like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar?

Turkey, Indonesia & Malaysia are all in debt so is the sole superpower in the world USA.
I've flirted & bragged about committing zina? Are you referring to that thread I made that was about the girl on @Canuck avatar previously kkkk how did I brag about committing zina again & how was I flirting? If indeed I was doing that then which is worse associating partners with Allah by refusing divine law for secular manmade law, or flirting, how are you a Muslim again