My face when I found out im only 80% Somali


Genetics are just fascinating, it's good to keep an open mind when diving deep in to that area because as long as you recognize everyone as human being, it shouldn't bother you, but if you hold a bias and some racist ideas, it's going to eat you up :)

@sambuusi, I remember u mentioned it before which was unique. Although there was a sizable Eritreans in Mogadishu back in the days (assuming ur family is from there) who came with the Italians, so ur great grandma being amhara is very odd, how did she get to Somalia :)
Genetics are just fascinating, it's good to keep an open mind when diving deep in to that area because as long as you recognize everyone as human being, it shouldn't bother you, but if you hold a bias and some racist ideas, it's going to eat you up :)

@sambuusi, I remember u mentioned it before which was unique. Although there was a sizable Eritreans in Mogadishu back in the days (assuming ur family is from there) who came with the Italians, so ur great grandma being amhara is very odd, how did she get to Somalia :)
based on what i know, her family was already settled in xamar for some generations, but i don't know exactly how
my mom, who was initially from marka but moved to xamar, told me that there were also indians and arabs in her community there, some of which had been there for some time as well


based on what i know, her family was already settled in xamar for some generations, but i don't know exactly how
my mom, who was initially from marka but moved to xamar, told me that there were also indians and arabs in her community there, some of which had been there for some time as well

Yeah I saw a video recently of arabs, indians and other races protesting in Xamar way back in the days. It is really fascinating how diverse coastal cities were back in the days before us lama goodles brought our bad behavior to the cities. :)
The ride never ends.


Cadcads are the people of xamar (Mogadishu). They are generally seen as distinct from the general Somali populace due to having high foreign ancestry from Arab, Indian and Persian traders. They're still majority Somali though.
Wait you saying everyone with parents from Mogadishu are cadcad? Someone post a pic of a cadcad and show me what they look like.


To each their own
Wait you saying everyone with parents from Mogadishu are cadcad? Someone post a pic of a cadcad and show me what they look like.

No, people generally refer to them as Reer xamar. In reality they are a minority there but they do have a connection to the history of the city.

