Somali at the helm of this alliance whilst we move other Cushitic countries into our orbit. The world will soon be a place where warfare is once again a common occurrence, especially in places like africa where i believe state collapse will start taking place all around the continent as several factors take hold. Perhaps a millitary alliance of cushites could help us expand and push southwards? Madagascar is one of the largest islands in the world and has the potential for a population of 100+ million yet only has 26 million currently. We could have somalis take over and import other cushites who assimilate into the somali society and thus boost our numbers on the island. Similar to how there a majority of the US isn't of pure anglo decent, yet it is a firm anglo superstate of hundreds of millions. This is because the english colonised America using the "white race" and bringing in millions of other Europeans who then assimilated into white society which is just anglo with a different name, thus making them anglo americans through assimilation and helping the english take north americaInteresting, your vision for the future is great Mein Führer. I look forward to hearing more of this East African Cushitic Millitary Alliance.
-Oberkommando der Wehrmacht
-Sareeye Guuto
-Commander of the Armed Forces