I feel like with the recent tensions and ethno nationalism + religious problems coming about. Heck, a hundred years ago people didn't so strongly identify Aith their ethno identity but their region and their clan/sub clan. The horn of Africa was a very diverse place due to geography which is now being overcome by new technologies.They would've been a second crusade but in Africa completely wiping out any traces of christianity. Somalis wouldve pushed everybody else out or somalinized them. However in the process we would pick up parts of their culture. The horn would be unrecognisable.
I see the horn having a few major wars which will speed up migrations across the different parts of the region and cultures will start to mix. I can only hope that the somalis don't end up being absorbed since somalis are the only major group in the horn who doesn't have a actual state government capable of pushing our interest dispite the fact that somalis are the only ones who literally have their own ethno state giving us a advantage on this whole ethnic expansion agenda since we have a government and state which I only somali whilst the others have to share a country.