Navalny dead

Damn, bro dropped a 2 hr vox style video exposing putin just for putin to go "thats not my palace" and kill him 3 yrs later.

If anyone is curious about the timing, russias elections are in mid march, and now putin has addressed two public threats to power (navalny, prigozhin who was head of wagner group and did a weird semi coup last year)

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I'm glad he's dead.

But on review, Amnesty International concluded that comments made by Navalny some 15 years ago, including a video which appears to compare immigrants to cockroaches, amounted to "hate speech" which was incompatible with the label "prisoner of conscience".24 feb 2021


I believe I've seen this video and I think he actually in the video advocates shooting immigrants.


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
look at this video... this is him equating Muslim immigrants with cockroaches and urging ppl to shoot them... notice how the immigrant he kills in the video is shouting "Allahu Akbar".... I am happy to hear this guy is dead and imo you should be too

Unlike the West, Russia seemingly still doesn't know how to neutralise political opponents and resorts to primitive methods -- and this only makes Russia look like a white 3rd world Country.


Forza Somalia!
The guy wasn't that good, the only reason the west romanticized him was because he was one of the main figures opposed Putin.
