Navalny dead

The difference is that in the West, if a president leaves office, he gets book deals and high speaking fees. In Mother Russia, you get sent to the gulag.

Putin cannot tolerate western backed opponents because if he loses to them, he's ending up like Saddam or Qadaafi.

No Soviet or Russian President was sent to the Gulag upon losing power
No Soviet or Russian President was sent to the Gulag upon losing power
Because they hand picked their successors for the most part. Imagine Boris Yetslin didn’t choose Putin to replace him. He and his family would be in prison for corruption. The only reason for the Putin appointment was because they felt he can protect them like he protected the Saint Petersburg Mayor. Now imagine a Putin opposition leader gaining power, he’s as good as dead.

It is said one of Putins biggest regret is not backing Qadaafi, he rectified that mistake by backing Assad and being the main reason he kept power.
Because they hand picked their successors for the most part. Imagine Boris Yetslin didn’t choose Putin to replace him. He and his family would be in prison for corruption. The only reason for the Putin appointment was because they felt he can protect them like he protected the Saint Petersburg Mayor. Now imagine a Putin opposition leader gaining power, he’s as good as dead.
Putin is a moderate compared to some of the other guys like Navalny he killed. Some want to bring back the Russian empire/soviet union.
It is said one of Putins biggest regret is not backing Qadaafi, he rectified that mistake by backing Assad and being the main reason he kept power.
He backed Assad for geographical reasons warm water ports but if the US had gotten a hold of Syria the Mediterranean Sea would become a NATO lake making it hard for the Russian Black Sea fleet to hit open waters. Libya is more of an asset than Syria it would allow him access to the Red Sea/Indian Ocean easier theirs Russian bases in eastern Libya. Imagine Putin backed Gaddafi or Saddam.
Putin is a moderate compared to some of the other guys like Navalny he killed. Some want to bring back the Russian empire/soviet union.

He backed Assad for geographical reasons warm water ports but if the US had gotten a hold of Syria the Mediterranean Sea would become a NATO lake making it hard for the Russian Black Sea fleet to hit open waters. Libya is more of an asset than Syria it would allow him access to the Red Sea/Indian Ocean easier theirs Russian bases in eastern Libya. Imagine Putin backed Gaddafi or Saddam.
Imo backing libya wouldve been smart because it would have been a far away theatre from Russia to challenge NATO.

And now with the hindsight of brics forming and russia embracing an anti - western stance, gaddafi would be a natural ally to putin if he were still alive

-anti west
-already had leverage on western states

I think the regime change operation with gaddafi was a factor in waking putin up to NATOs threat